
Getting a warning for speeding?

by  |  earlier

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today i got pulled over for speeding and just received a warning. does this go on any record or anything? or if i get pulled over again can they tell if i already have a warning?

i don't know. they told me i was going 47 in a 30 but with the time of acceleration in my car and the stopping distance factored in, i honestly calculated it's impossible. do cops ever lie about the numbers? how do you even know they're telling the truth?

for me to go 47 i would have had to accelerate as hard as i could, then slam on my brakes when i saw the cop. this did not happen clearly. my car would not have been able to handle that...considering it's old and does not accelerate that fast.

i'm just so frustrated.




  1. A warning may stay on record with the department that issued it but it will not be part of your driving record.

    Be happy that you only got a warning and move on....

  2. It will not be reported as part of your driving record, because you were not actually cited.  Depending on the department that issued the warning, it may or may not show to an officer that runs your license anytime soon.  I would not recommend pushing your luck.


    this did not happen clearly.

    This statement is NEVER true.  Even if your car is physically incapable of whatever they claim happened, it CAN'T be clear to those of us that have never SEEN your car OR the road in question.

  3. If it is a paper warning then yes, it is on record with the department at least.  

    But you know what.  I have always heard the argument that I could not have done that speed, or my foot had to be bigger than the grand canyon, etc. but have not ever heard any person answer as to why an officer would pick you, only you, and pull you over, when he has never seen you before, and accuse you of going 47 in a 30.  47 in a 30.  He just made that up huh, for what, to lose his job, to make you sad, what for?  

  4. how could it go on your record if nothing was written. maybe you were stopped because of a bumper sticker you forgot to remove, the one that said, "Honk if Your Horny"

  5. A warning is just that.... a warning.

    Don't try to fight it, or worry over it... you lucky you got one.

    Yes, if they give you a paper warning, they also put it in the computer.  So, if you are pulled over ever again then the cop will know, but it will not affected you in any way in the future.

    If you were given an oral warning, chances are that the cop did not enter it into the computer.

    Don't worry.


    Ok, I just checked this question again, and saw your added details.  

    You got a paper warning.  So, it went into the computer.  If you are pulled over again for the SAME offense, and the officer sees you were already given a warning, he may escalate the situation, but will NOT refer back to the warning you were already given.  

    Officers will say "well, she's already got a warning, and it didn't teach her anything", so they will not be so nice the next time.

    But yeah, don't worry about it, and try to avoid another offense in the near future.

    It will NOT affect qualifications for a job, or your driving record.

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