
Getting an x-racehorse to relax in canter?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, Im just looking for hints on trying to get my x-race hrose to relax in canter. I have always ridden dressage and understand the importance of relaxation and submission for him to come through from behind. At the moment is canter is quite flat, fast, and unbalanced. It takes at least 10 mins of working down to have him on the aid again to aproch the transionion again. Thanks for everyones time




  1. Trail riding over distances facilitates an "it's OK to relax" mindset.  Vary the trail and the distance. Racing routines are  a different orientation. Time and patience are essential.

  2. When i had a green horse who was very hot temperd i would lunge her for about 45 minutes before i got on, then instead of keeping a TIGHT rein i would give and then take, give and then take, to balance her out. I prob. worked with her everyday for about 2 hours. I'm not familiar with dressage but hopfully my answer helped a lilttle :-)

  3. Well from much experiance , what I do is never let him canter

    Untill he understands to relax at the walk and trot I lounge mine very quitly for at least a month and then at the walk and trot

    if your experienced enough I would put side rein's on him to help balance him in Then I ask for a canter on the ground

    Go back to the basics with him

    More ground work

    If you fight him while you ride him

    it will take for ever if not never

    so start from the beginning

    He will learn this is a different game

  4. just relax when you can and be strong when you have to sit back and sit deep in the saddle


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