
Getting another kitten...need help

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I currently have a 7 month old male Persian. I am going to be bringing a new Persian kitten into my home approximately in October (so that will make my boy 10 months old then). The kitten I will be bringing home is also a male. My breeder has never had trouble with households with 2 male cats but i was just wondering if anyone had any tips for socializing the two boys so that they will be buddies. Thanks!!




  1. Two tom cats in the same house will not be easy. They are both at the age that they will begin to mark their territory and they do this by peeing every where. I would recommend that they both get fixed because marking is a hormonal behavior and if the hormones are gone the behavior diminishes. If you get one fixed the other will still mark. It is not because they are bad, it is the nature of the beast. They can be the best of buddies and will still mark their territory. Them getting along will not be a problem. The instinctive behaviors will drive you nuts.  

  2. get the first cat fixed first, then there shouldnt be a problem. keep them in separate rooms for a few weeks, let them smell each other through the door, then introduce with supervision.

  3. Be sure both are neutered.  There should be no problems.  Slow introductions always work best.  Set up a nursery for your newbie for a few days.

  4. you shouldnt have any problems. sometimes cats dont get along though. but when cats are first introduced to homes they should be exploring with no one around or very few people. but if they fight keep them in different rooms for a little bit. that should do it! hope i helped

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