
Getting around by bus, cab, walking in Florence, Italy?

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Tips? I will be there for about a month this summer and want to know the easiest & most practical ways to get around the city.




  1. Is to hot in the Summer to walk around, I think that if you stay for a few weeks the best way to go around the city is a bicycle, you can rent one very cheap from the "Comune di Firenze" is like one euro a day... you can find one spot near train station.

  2. You  can  walk  across  the  city  centre  in  half  an  hour .   In  summer  it  can  be  tireing  and  hard  on  the  feet .   There  are  many  buses  all  over  the  city  both  large  and  small . Buy  tickets  at  a  tabaconists  or  newsagent , you  can  get  a  4ride  ticket  and  probably  a  monthly  season  ticket .   If  you  always  have  a  ticket  on  you , you  can  always  hop  on  a  bus .  There  is  usually  a  notice  to  the  bus  route  at  the  bus  stop .   When  walking  about  the  city , particularly  the  city  centre , keep  your  eyes  and  wits  about  you ; there  are  many  thieves  and  pickpocket  about  and  people  who  ride  motor  cycles  to  grab  womens  handbags .   Don't  walk  about  the  city  in  the  early  hours  of  the  morning .  

    A  number  7  bus  from  Piazza  San  Marco  will  take  you  up  to  Fiesole .   A  ride  on  the  bus  costs  the  same  wherever  you  go  and  is  good  for  a  certain  length  of  time , so  may  even  serve  for  the  return  journey .

    The  out  of  town  bus  station  is  near  the  central  station  and  will  take  you  to  all  manner  of  places  in  the  country .

    I  recommend  that  if  you  are  based  in  Florence  for  a  month  you  take  trips  out  into  the  country .   You  will  only  see  Florence  in  context  when  you  see  the  beautiful  Tuscany  surrounding  it .   Have  a  lovely  time !!!

  3. Walking is the most practical way for daily things.  The bus is also a good way when you need to travel a bit further.  Just make sure to get a map/schedule.  Also, a great way to travel long distances is the train  - my experience with the train system in Italy has always been good (it's economical, and easy to use!)

    Have fun!

  4. Walking definitely. Florence is such a lovely place to visit. It would be a pity to bus/drive and miss all of the little sights.

    A mo-ped would be a great way to get around also.

  5. On getting around it's better if you walk unless you want to visit the Tuscan countryside then you need to rent a car. If you want to avoid the crowd: Wake up early, stay out late, sleep in between.


  6. i would give anything to walk in florence!! i'm planning a trip two years from now for when i go...i know it's a while before i go. But i have read alot of things about walking around in florence. like it's not a dangerous city but there are alot of pick-pocketers that pry on tourists. they say that there are so many things that will give a theif the conclusion that you are a tourist. stay safe!

  7. i'm a italian girl...if you want to travel here you can use autobus (there are a lot) and tou can take a map of the autobus in someune tourist office...

    Florence is a very beutiful city and tou can walk in the centre without problems!-)

    good holidays

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