
Getting around paying a fine? help please?

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I recently recieved a letter from transport for london, for not paying the £8 congestion charge in london and now i have to pay £60. I wasn't aware that you had to pay pn the day or the day after, i was told that i would recieve a letter stating that i should pay the £8 charge and you do so there and then. I now have to fill in a representation form as to why i shouldnt pay the £60 chrage. Any ideas on how i can go about wording that i was a PR*T for not looking into it further before i travelled?

I really don't want to pay this charge.

Only serious answers please, i need to send it off today. Thanks x




  1. Just pay up.

    As you say, you should have looked into it yourself rather than taking someone else's word for it.

    Also, as you drive in to the congestion zone, there are plenty of signs and indicators that you have done so and must pay the charge.

  2. The old saying is "ignorance of the law is no excuse".  Ignorance is not a derogatory just means you didn't know.  Not knowing that you would be fined more will NOT get you out of this.  

    You didn't you pay the 8 pounds to begin with, so you unfortunately have to pay 60 now.  No way out.

  3. Don't try to shirk your responsibilities.

    If you can't pay the fine, don't do the crime (yes it is crime!)

    If it was up to me the charge would increase by 100% for each day!!

  4. Know how you feel emmy-lou.  Same happened to me. I live 140 miles from London and had not been there for probably 20 years. I recently had to go down for a funeral, i was aware of the congestion charge but, due to CONGESTION, was running late and assumed i could pay after the event. There was no thought of evading it as i was aware all vehicles entering the area are filmed. Due to spending too long chatting to people we hadnt seen for ages time flew and as it was getting late we headed off home. Next morning I had to leave on a week long training course so it got forgotten.  I too got the dreaded letter, explained the circumstances, but it did no good.  I am afraid this is one of those times when you just have to grit your teeth, swear quietly, and get out the cheque book.

  5. You won't get out of this without dropping your dad in the ****. Pay up.

  6. Sorry you will have to pay up.

  7. To be honest, you are jsut delaying the inevitable,there is nothing you can write on that form that will get you out of the £60

    London is full of lawyers, if there were holes in the system or contract wording they would have been found and used very quickly.

  8. you will end up having to pay it so just make it easier and pay  up now! i had to pay a parking ticket (2 in a week) for parking outside my house while i was bringing shopping in from the car! i complained and wrote letters but it never got me anywhere!

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