
Getting babysitting business?

by  |  earlier

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so i love kids and want to babysit. i was wondering how i can get the word out about it, cuz i really want to do it. i'm kinda shy though... so i normally just put fliers up, but that hasn't gotten me ANY business. so i'm gonna put a new flier up tomorrow, but is there anything else i can do? oh, and i'm 13 with a 4.0 GPA.. {haha, just thought i'd throw that in :} and i went to a safe sitter class...




  1. Sometimes its best to start small. Maybe ask around to your parents friends and see if they know anyone who needs a babysitter. Once you get the word out its a little bit easier. You  need to build up a repuatation before you can get the big business. Maybe hanging fliers with your number on it, but I think my first suggestion is better. Good Luck. :]

  2. Just give it time, people might have your flier waiting until they need a babysitter, and once you babysit, if your good word of mouth should get you alot of business. Tell your family and friends you want to get into it so they can offer you to their friends if they ever need a babysitter.

  3. have you taken any baby sitting courses?? or first aid??

    that is what most parents want to know..

    maybe offer dog walking too??

    look in newspaper for people looking for baby sitters... and talk to your moms friends

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