
Getting back after an injury!!?

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About a year and a half ago I got got shoot in the shoulder/ chest area while I was in the ARMY. After that I my chest and arms shrunk and my mid-section got the old spare tire. What is a good way to come back from all of that!!?

-- Thanks in advance!!




  1. first thing i wana say is, good for you for serving in the army defending your country.

    now, the only thing i can tell u is that i would just try to do the things you would normally do, sports, games, watever.

    do the things that will make you feel as normal as possible.

    good luck with everything.

  2. Thank you for your service to our country.  

    What did your PT say?  Surly s/he gave you suggestions and pointers?  I am trying to recover from severe injuries to my shoulder sustained in a car accident and it hasn't been easy.  I follow my PT's therapy schedule (and you KNOW it hurts!), then I do more stuff at home, like force myself to pick up a glass of water, etc.  It is easier now than four months ago and I intend to keep at it until I can at least do normal things.  

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