
Getting back in the game?

by  |  earlier

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i played little league for 8 years, and in that time i'd have been hit in the nose during play bout 3 times. But i continued to play. Then in the fall i got hit in the chin harder than i've ever been hit before. So i took this season off and umpired little kids instead. but i miss playing. and i'm a litle bit jumpy umpiring too. does anyone have any tips to stop me from being scared of the ball and less jumpy when i umpire? please don't make fun of me. I'm only 13.




  1. ahh you going to get hit its part of the game. you cant really tell you what to do.

    i guess you can let someone throw a baseball at you soft than alittle harder. it only hurts for alitte bit.

    it dosent hurt umpiring in little leauge it feel like something for alitte bit but you forget about it.

  2. just try to get use to some one pitching to you so get like a friend and let them pitch to you

  3. You may have bad reactions, because getting hit in the face is strange, I've only seen it once, and I've probably played about 200 games in my lifetime (I'm 14). Also, if you wanna get back in the game, you can get a helmet with a mask in front of it, so you can't get hit in the face. And remember, when umpiring the kids throw very slow, so if it hits you in the skin, it won't hurt, and it won't anyway, because you have that protective pad in front of you. Just think, the ball can't hurt me, I am in control, and the ball can't hurt you. Just think you're the boss of the ball.

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