
Getting battery acid out of stuff?

by  |  earlier

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Ok I had my battery changed and had it in the back seat in a bag on the floor getting ready to get rid of it. One day my brother needed a ride and he was in the back and I guess without me knowing he put the battery back in my hach back with my stuff. It was real got that day and when I got back acid got through everything, clothes, a good sleeping bag, my nice lap top bag etc. I had some on my sweatshirt and it started to go through my hood but only the first layer, is there anyway to help it? thanks!




  1. it's gone. use baking soda to neutralize any remaining acid

  2. Nope. It is done for. You can try some baking powder to neutralize the acid but I bet it is too late.

  3. Considering it flat eats holes in everything,,,,I got some on my jeans once,,,,,,,,all I could advise, is water, water, water,,,,,

  4. Baking soda will nuetralize the batter acid.  It may be to late

  5. Sorry to say, but, it would be best to just get rid of the stuff to be on the safe side. You can try to neutralize the acid with a base like baking soda but its best to just get rid of the stuff.

  6. the only thing you can use is bicarb soda about one large pack into 5gal bucket  warm water chuck about half onto back of vehicle and under hatch cover . lap top bag dip into bucket and soak. all the rest thro away as u will find every thing will fall apart when you wash them. i have had lots of clothes and overalls done in by battery acid

  7. Just wear the damaged clothes... it's cool these days to look like a homeless r****d.

    Other than that, get legal advice from a Mexican lawyer and consider suing your brother.

  8. pour coke on everything... yes this is sticky but that is what the pros use... i grew up around them.. lol just pour the coke

    scrub your cars floorboard with it.. then come back with a shampooer and shampoo it.. (better yet make him do it... hehehe)

    do this with your clothes as well... pour coke in a bucket and them soak for a lil while... and then wash them in an heavy duty load...

    hope this helps

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