
Getting braces Does it hurt?

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What is the most painful part about the whole process?

How will the pain be Afterwards? Please don't sugercoat anything.




  1. NOpe not really but afterwards when you try to eat  thats hard! and it kinda hurts! depending on your mouth you might get a lot of canker  sores but then again u might be like i was and not get any!

  2. I had my braces put on about six months ago.  My teeth hurt for about 2 to 3 days.  The most painful part usually comes 6 to 12 hours after getting the braces put on.  It might be hard for you to eat, but eating really does help to make the pain go away faster.  Your teeth will also hurt for a day or two any time that you get your braces tightened.  Even though your teeth might hurt, it will be worth it in the end.  

  3. i just got mine off and no it doesnt hurt one single bit getting them on but it might when they tighten them like every month or so but just take some asprin and its fine trust me:)

  4. I had them years ago, but they were very painful.  I don't think I couldn't eat solid foods for a couple of days.  Some of the worst pain (later, after I'd had them for awhile) was when my dentist put in very thick wires and also when he had a double chain put onto the brackets.  :(  Sorry, but that's the truth.  Your teeth may not be as bad, but at least you'll have a great smile when you're done!

  5. The most painful part is usually the separators they put in usually a week before you get the bands on your molars.  It feels like you have a piece of food stuck in your teeth.  They are usually the worst part.  Advil will help;)

  6. Hope this link helps you with all information regarding braces. Check out

  7. I had my braces on for 8 years. I think it did hurt when you first get them but after a while with singles it doesn't really hurt you get used to it. But with chains or thicker wires they hurt for like a day or two but after that not so much. But I use it as an excuse to get like milkshakes and stuff like that (ice cream etc.) "OMG mom my mouth hurts sooo bad it hurts to eat"- so she got me a milkshake lol. Hopefully I'll get them off next month!!

    P.s. take advil or aleave or something before you go. =]

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