
Getting braces before my sophomore year of high school?

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I know it's late to be getting them, but the last few years, we didn't have the extra money to put them on. Did anyone else have to get them when you were a sophomore? I'll have mine until I'm a senior or right before I'm a senior, will that be weird? Did anyone have to get their senior pictures with them on? Did the pictures look bad photoshopped?




  1. I'm not even in high school yet, but I don't think it's wierd. Braces aren't like "geeky" anymore like they use to be. When I was little, I had to have surgery on my front tooth. It was really rare. Anyway, it made my front tooth really discolored. I now have a venier. But, anyways what I'm trying to say I never smiled in pictures. You could just keep your mouth closed and smile, if you are that uncomfortable. But I think it would be fine. I don't know how they'd look photoshopped, but you could try it.

  2. I'm sure you'll be fine!!  

    After they are on, they don't look that bad... and after they are off, your teeth look so BEAUTIFUL!!  You will be so glad you did it now.  After all, it's either now or as a senior or college student...=(  not good... do you really want to go to college w/ braces on??  

    just do it and get it over w/

  3. I had them for three years from 2001-2004. Most people will be able to get them off in two years if you take care of your teeth, wear your bands, and do as your orthodontist instructs you,. you will be able to get them off sooner. You probably won't have them with your senior pictures. Plenty of people have braces at that age and it's really not that big of a deal. Just grin and bear it =].

  4. Trust me, braces are not as bad as you think they are.

  5. I'm getting them too.

    Same situation as you.

    And I'm gonna be a sophomore.

    You could get white colored braces so they're less noticeable like I'm doing. =]

  6. They can be edited out for pictures. My niece got hers in when she was in the 6 grade (mid year) & got them out just before freshmen year. If you keep up your appointments It could be much sooner that you think.

  7. im starting my junior yr n i jst got them 3 weeks ago i get them removed just before the end of my senior yr so i may get my senior pics wit them on but they will be off before graduation n prom. honestly none of my frend thot it was wierd cuz most of them jst got them removed. there is not rele an age to hav braces anymore so dnt worry bout it!

    it will be worth it to start uni wit a perfect smile!

  8. Yes, I had them my Jr year its not bad you get use to them and if you take pictures you dont have to show your teeth...!

  9. My friend had her braces edited out of her senior pictures and they looked great. That was 10 years ago... I'd imagine with the things they can do with photography today, if you still had braces when you take your senior pics and wanted them photoshopped out, they could do it and probably make it look better than your teeth would have looked IRL.

    Either way, I've also heard braces have come a long way as well, where sometimes you don't even have to see them because they put them behind your teeth. So who knows, it might not be so bad having them. Better now than never.

  10. i got braces during my sophomore year and got them off just before my senior pictures.  you won't be weird

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