
Getting braces today? advice?

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Hi! Im getting my braces on today, any advice on what to expect? will it hurt??

I am a ballet dancer and I have a 3 hour rehersal later in the day.. will I still be able to go?

I have dirty blonde/light brown hair and greenish blue eyes.. what color bands do you suggest?

I leave for my appointment in an hour!

thanks! :]




  1. your mouth will be really sore so dont eat like,crunchy foods,eat soft foods.

    and braces wont make your legs stop working,youll still be able to go to ballet.

    and it doesnt matter what color bands you get,get your favorite colors or summer colors or something(:

    i always used to get pink&green or blue.

    or if it was Christmas time i would get green&red(:

    and around Easter i got pink&yellow(:

    and Halloween i got orange(:

  2. yeah you'll still be able to go to ballet, it doesn't hurt that much. for a few days it will feel like someones continuously pressing on your teeth but after that you won't even notice them. get some soft food to eat while your still getting used to the feel of them in your mouth.

  3. Its wont hurt at first....It'll hurt a little but later it hurts more and lasts for about a week or 2 (depends on you). I'm also a dancer with braces and i think you could go to your rehersal and if you're in too much pain ask to leave early.... For the color bands try a green and blue that make your eyes pop or just do your favorite colors, your school colors, or your dance school colors....Good Luck!

  4. its gonna hurt for the first 1-3 days so you might not feel like going-but you still would be able to

  5. It doesn't hurt at first, but it will probably hurt later. It takes about an hour to put them on, so you should be able to go to your dance lesson :)

  6. you might be sore...actually u prolly will. im gettin my spacers on today so ill wish u luck u wish me luck lol jk but u should be able to u might not be very concentrated tho

  7. when they put the braces on it dosent hurt it just takes really really long........the braces start 2 hurt later after u eat so make sure 2 eat b4 u get them on!!!

    u will probably  b fine @ ur rehersal u mite feel some soreness in ur mouth but nothin terrible..........

    i would say u should get either blue or green bands but it dosent matter wat color u get u should just go 4 the color u like best........i always go 4 the colors that r lighter cuz they r less noticible but if u want 2 make ur teeth look whiter than get darker colors.......hope i helped!!! good luck!!

    answer mine?;...

  8. I got mine a couple of months ago.... they put a ring on your very last tooth [ 4 teeth] it doesent hurt, it is just uncomfartable,also at the end they put a machine in my mouth for like 10 minutes and wen they took it out mi lips were rlly dry and chapped. Also its painful for the 1st week, it mite b a distraction to u at dance, i would try to make it. Also cold drinks help[ smoothies,shakes,icees] eat soft foods cuzz as soon as u bite in to something hard wen u first get them on, it hurt so much wen i bit in to a cookie or something hard, so just be aware and eat soft foods. For colors- light pink and green

    black and a neon color [i have black and neon green rite now]

    or a summer color like orange and red. [i got red and yellow last month, thinking summer colors but i got made fun of cuzz thy r mcdonalds colors : <

    Good Luck, Feel Good Have Fun!!!

  9. Braces didn't hurt for me when i got them on  but it does for some ppl.

    You're teeth might hurt if you do decide to go to your ballet rehearsel today so i recommend staying home.

    You should get the or blue braces to make your eyes

    good lluck and i hope they dont hurt that bad!

  10. It doesnt hurt.

    They make your teeth numb.

  11. coool

    i have ahd mine for 1 year and they are very unnoticeable after a week or so

    but things to keep in mind are:

    if your going to reak the rules with the food you should avoid (like gum......if you want to chew it then get trident sticks)

    and to never stick anything in your mouh like pens and fingers

    and the best thing to remember is to smile

    its not embarassing to have braces

    and the best color for you should be a drak blue it will make your teeth look whiter


    trust me its not bad at all

    just for the first few days


    try and keep it warm

    sometimes the temp of the wire and bracket get weird!!!!!

    smile alot!@!!!!!!

  12. 1. It will be sore after they are done.

    2. It's really not that bad, it is sore AFTER they are on though.

    3. It depends how you handle the pain.

    4.  The color of your eyes, or the closest.

    good luck!

  13. Advice, it'll gonna hurt from the start, but as time goes it'll be just fine.

  14. 1) While you get them on it won't hurt, but it will hurt ALOT later.

    2) Just don't land too hard off of jumps. You can still go!

    3) I just get whatever colors match my Irish Dance dress! Get whatever colors you like.

    Good luck!


  15. OK, now i am a ballet dancer too i would go to your rehearsal. I have the same features as you the two colors that i would pick id pink and green they would go great with your features and they are great summer colors.

  16. okay i got braces recently and mine hurt after like a half hour but  i also got my full mouth at once  

    dpnt worry u will still be able to go to dance rehursal just take some advil or ibprofen before u go

    get dark blue and red

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