
Getting bullied by some kid 3 years younger than me?!?

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Ok I know what you are going to think is that Iam a "wimp" but there is this Kid in High School who really takes the p**s out of me. Hes taller and heavier than me btw so i havent fought with him.

Hes 14 and Iam 17 btw!

What should I do rather than beating him to pulp and getting myself expelled coz he's really starting to get on my Nerves like h**l




  1. The only way to solve bullying in school is to go to your teachers. Every school in the UK takes bullying very seriously these days. You know its the best way.

  2. you know you could attack him with out touching him

    you should hurt him, hurt his feelings an direct attack to the heart

    but be carefull not to say something imbarrinsing

    make sure you hit him in the soft spot

    threaten him to!

    you know? you are taller you are older you could threaten him and scare him to never bullie you again!!!

  3. Your more of a pussay than that fresh meat I had the other night,,,

  4. I would stand up to him the way I'd want him to me if we were in each others shoes. I'd ask him for a minute and then ask what's wrong, what is it about me you have a problem with? If it's something reasonable I'd work on it and let him know that, if it's unreasonable I'd tell him respectfully your asking me to change something that doesn't make any sense for me to Have to change. I'd thank him for his opinion and tell him if he has any more concerns later to just pull me aside and say so.

    Edit: Tell him you just not liking me doesn't make any kind of sense, I need to know why so I can determine whether it's something I should work on. If he's still being an *** then I'd go to the office or principal and tell them every effort you made to make peace with him. How what he's doing is frustrating and that you don't know how much longer your gonna be able to take it. He makes you wanna fight him. They should definately take some action knowing that.

  5. if you are smart use your wit to make him look like a moronic jack*ss.  if you aren't that smart, kick him in the nuts.

    that was a joke. don't kick him in the nuts.

  6. just avoid him =]

    or see the counselor, and change your classes (if you have any together)

  7. With a very careful word choice more or less tell him that if he dosent step down your going to **** his life up and he will end up some where in a hospital.

  8. p**s him off until he hits you. act helpless and just hurl insults at him.. hopefully he willknock you over and start beating you up.. there ya go.. he's expelled and you are the helpless victim=D

  9. use your yoda knowledge to out smart him no no no just kidding look i've been bullied all my life so take it from me do not give in to what he might say to you, eventually he will back down because he might realize that it's not bugging you. if all else fails tell the teacher or the counselor no matter what anyone says. never succumb  to fighting it will not end very well at all.  

  10. Tell him to leave you alone because you don't wanna have to hurt him

  11. Got any bigger friends than him? then have them around you and if they are your frineds then they will help you, your "pest" should leave and if not, fight him, if you have a clean record then you wont go to give but rather amybe a few days of OSS which is not all that bad

  12. I know this sounds like the wimpiest thing to do, but talk to him nicely and ask him to stop doing this. If he refuses have a creative arguement with him and use big words so he can't understand what you're saying. I have done this and it worked for me, though I wasn't getting bullied. I was getting called emo.  

  13. Some people only understand violence. I'm not saying get expelled, but tell him to meet you somewhere outside of school. If you put up a good fight I bet he goes out and looks for someone else to pick on

  14. well if you know you can take him ask him if he'd like to maybe settle this after school and i dont know what kind of kid he is but maybe he might say ok and puss out which is good then you can turn it around on him a give him **** or he can say ok and you beat the **** out of him

    or you could have kids de-book him in the hall ways =)

  15. pull his boxers down in the school dining room where everyone can see

  16. Tell someone, there are helplines for that, I don't know it

    I hope your going to be ok,

    Just try to ignore him , or get him in trouble by letting a teacher catch him at it, someone should step in, my son got it with hockey sticks, I threatened to sue the school!

  17. Dude, first ask him why he's gotta be like that to you all the time. Maybe it's something you two can work out. If not, and you aren't willing to fight him, then you have only two options, get beefier friends, or tell someone.

  18. Beat him up outside of school

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