
Getting bullied or teased or gossiped-about from wearing a Speedo brief...??

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I'm 15 now, a freshman in highschool going into sophomore year. Middle-school for me started out rough but then I made more friends and it was okay. But I am scarred for life from the bulling and insecurity. Its not that bad but I always get nervous about messing up socially, I value friends and its easy to break the glass but hard to pickup the pieces

So this presents a problem. I love wearing Speedo briefs to swim or to the beach because I swim competitively and they are fun / comfortable / and look good..... at least in my opinion. I know I dont look bad, but seriously I always worry about making other people uncomfortable since I dont want to lose any friends by being a joke over wearing a speedo.

I cant deal with getting excluded or made fun of for wearing one, so I usually dont or I wear it under boardshorts. Seriously... I get so many snickers from people (not the candy bar, people about to laugh at how awkward it is ) if I do wear it, and america really sucks for that.

sometimes its not a problem, other times its just too d**n awkward. I really hate the fact that its an issue because its literally either no problem at all, people gawking, or its a big deal to the people I am with. I'm afraid to wear it around my friends because they all gossip and yet I have an excuse to wear it for swim team since its well... swim team. But even the other kids there are all wearing jammers now (which are stupid and uncomfortable in my opinion ) except for me because I really "believe in the brief " and want to be myself.

I mean I'm literally split between mother nature (which isnt bad at all, I'm 15 my body isnt gross and I'm skinny/fit and not overly muscular ) and American faux-paus. Its really annoying and too bad. arggghhh

I dont feel uncomfortable wearing the Speedo necessarily, I feel MORE comfortable. However if it becomes an issue or I sense it becoming an issue, then thats when it all comes crashing down for me.

Sorry for ranting, but what should I do?????????? I want to wear them but I know its going to catch-up to me socially at some point. Its already almost nuked a conversation thanks to a blabby friend but it was okay. goddddd

I'd love to be able to wear this with friends to waterparks or the beach or even to their house to use the pool, but I always worry about what their parent siblings or even neighbors would say. Am I making too big a deal or is it seriously a lost cause

p.s. I'm not g*y and speedos are not revealing on me since long story short I'm intact (not circumcised ), unlike a handful of my teammates who I dont blame for switching to jammers since their details were pretty obvious. unlike me,... its whack but I am happy about it

this is all really embarrassing but sorry I figured I'd fill in all of the details




  1. realize that people that you meet in school at your age aren't there to be a friend most of the time. Kids like these prey on other people to make themselves feel better as i am sure you have heard over and over again. i played football in high school and got made fun of all the time in the locker room for being overweight by this one kid relentlessly. i found out this year after we graduated that he has serious problems at home with his dad being and jail so this guy would make fun of me then go home and get drunk. true story. bottom line is you need to do what makes you feel comfortable and not worry so much about what others have to say. it's your life live it the way you want and not the way society tells you to live it. hope this helps and good luck

  2. I was very athletic as a teen, but not popular since I was also a nerd. (strange, I know.) I wore a Speedo when I swam and was embarrassed at first, but just stuck with it. I was a lifeguard and taught swimming and it was just better than boxers. Eventually, I felt so okay with it that some of my friends started wearing them too.  

    Kids need to be cruel to feel superior and they take every advantage. They will make others out to be bad if they think it will boost them. It is their issue, not yours. Teen years don't last forever. You may also be playing a role model for others.

    Besides, briefs are smarter, more practical, better looking and easier.

    You can always have a pair of nylon shorts and tee-shirt to put on when sitting in the snack shack.

  3. dude just wear ur speedo and tell everyone else to kiss your A$$. Who cares if they make fun you like to wear them. If everyone stopped swimming because they thought it wasnt cool would you stop, h**l now. Just tellem your the next michael phelps lmao

  4. wear what you want

    who cares what they think?

    and if you've got it flaunt it ;)

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