
Getting calcium marks off aquariums?

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i need to get the calcium depost off of an aquarium, tried scraping it off with a razor and it didn't work. Im going to turn in into a cage for my frogs




  1. Dang it! I can't think of the name of those things. I think its called a pumice stone, kinda like the ones people use on their feet or heals to get the roughness off. The 99 cent stores have them. Use the vinegar the last person suggested and let it soak a few minutes and then go over it lightly with the stone. They work on the water stains on built in swimming pools and on toilet tanks and bowls very easily.

  2. Try a vinegar solution, its always worked for me.  Usually one part vinegar to 2 parts water in a spray bottle.  Spray it, let it sit for a few minutes, then start scrubbing.  If that doesn't work, use straight vinegar.  It takes a bit more rinsing afterwords, but it usually works.  Use the razor on an very stubborn spots, but only on the glass.

  3. lemon juice or vinegar will get it off, put 2 parts vinegar to one part water in a spray bottle and spray the problem area, leave for 30 Min's, and it will loosen it all so you can wipe or scrape the scale off easily, the lemon juice you can put on neat, and leave for the same time as the vinegar, rinse the tank well after wards and dry, you should have a nice clean tank in no time, best of luck,

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