
Getting cold and flu often.....?

by  |  earlier

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I often get cold and flu. It happens atleast once a forthnight.

1,How can I prevent that?

2, This time my pee is dark yellow in colour and my mouth feels dry like cotton. Is that normal? It usually doesnt happen to me.




  1. !.Your immune system is weak thats why u r getting affected by flu and cold..R u sure that u r having cold only.It could be allergy or sinus..If u dont have a runny nose then i think u have some allergy.Start having more vegetables and fruits in your diet.Avoid cold water.Add multi vitamins in your diet.Totally avoid any kind of body spray..

    2.R u taking some medicines or syrups. It also changes the urine color. Have lots of water during the day..If ur pain inside ur mouth then u have to take some anti botic like zimycin..Dont eat anything sour.

  2. I had the same problem.

    My answer is: Do this and see if it works for you:

    1) Change your diet, Eat all natural Organic food ( not fast food or from a box or can) just simple food like whole grain bread, vegies and fruits

    2) Drink clean fresh water ( and drink a lot of it) instead of cold drinks, pops etc.

    3) Stay away from smokes and too much alchole.

    4) Get enough sleep  during the night

    Best wishes to you

  3. a dark pee color means your dehydrated! maybe you dont have a flu but just you need to drink much more yellow. when your pee is clear, that means your hydrated. So drink water!

    ok nevermind, this can be very serious maybe even Accumulation of Heat and Phlegm in the Lung, aka PNEUMONIA, so go to to doctor.

  4. you have vitamin c deficiency .

    try to take fruits which contains vitamin c.

  5. show to a nice doctor .  and take advice from them .

  6. ?

  7. once again we arennt doctors so go to the hospital and ask

  8. go to the doctor. you may have pneumonia  

  9. best thing you can do .. start practise yoga (breathing exercises) drink lots of hot water. have a pinch of turmeric powder with one teaspoon of honey mix it wel and have it daily.. and try to stay away from dust.

  10. Go to a DOCTOR!

  11. Check out WebHealthCenter

    They provide first hand guidance and going by their advise, you can consult an appropriate doctor.

  12. hmm..idk.  maybe you should go to the doctor and see what's going on.

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