
Getting deployed, buy have eating disorder, told unit, now they want me to get help. so what going to happen?

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Getting deployed, buy have eating disorder, told unit, now they want me to get help. so what going to happen?




  1. You will be sent to Mental Health for an evaluation and treatment...  Probably also sent to some type of nutritionist as well.  You should not be looked down upon in anyway, but your chain of command will want to know your treatment progress.  Basically, they will want you to get better.    Your getting better will mean they did a good thing - rather than just kicking you out, which should not even be an option unless you refuse to help yourself when you go to treatment.  After your doctors determine you are well and your eating disorder is under control, you will be deployable again.

  2. Have you gone through the military medical system?   If not, you will probably need to see a military doctor, then they may refer you to a military psychologist and/or dietitian to get help.  

    If the military doctor determines you do not have an eating disorder, then you are shipping out with your unit (and will get h**l for acting/faking a disorder).  

    Good luck.  

  3. they may flag you or send you to counseling before you deploy, which is something you should have already done

  4. You get it under control or they will kick you out of the military.  If you had this disorder prior to joining and did not disclose it you could be in big trouble if the issue gets pushed.  If you get help and it is managed then you will deploy with your unit.

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