
Getting desperate. Abandoned by a friend?

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I've know a guy for almost two years now. He's older than me, lives far away, and we communicate mostly through the internet. We've been together through everything. I've talked him down from drug relapses and stuff. We were very, very close.

He'd gotten pretty busy lately, with work and stuff, but he still talked to me when he could. He still seemed interested in our friendship. 3am on Saturday, he left one of his usual sweet comments on a story of mine he was reading. But at 11am on the same day, he's deleted me from all profiles, etc. He's obviously mad at someone. I've done nothing, though. When I try to talk to him, he tells me he needs a change, is moving on, and is therefore abandoning me. He completely blew me off, and acted like he truly did not care anymore.

I tried to give him space. I hoped that maybe he'd come around. But it's only been a day and I could not take it. We were so close, this is very debilitating for me. So I messaged him, asking in the very least for a reason for my abandonment. I know he was there. He ignored me and signed off without a word.

Will he come around in time? Is there some underlying reason? He's had a tough life.

I know the only one who can resolve this is him. But any insight or advice anyone can offer would be appreciated.




  1. Maybe he's going through a rough time and he doesn't know how to deal with it. It seems like he's just taking his anger and frustrationout on you. Most people tend to bash their friends more than anyone else when they're upset or angry.

    It's good that you're giving him some space. I know it's hard to not talk to a friend, and I know it's hard to ignore the fact that he seems angry at you, but you have to give him more than a day's worth of space. Once he realizes that he doesn't really want to stop talking to you, he'll message you or email you again.


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