
Getting desperate?

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i want to know something about lovebirds.okay...i have 2 lovebirds which i never knew the s* vets in the area

want to know:if i have 2 females,would they show mate?i mean,would they,you know,do "it"?or would they just lay a bunch of eggs?

my two lovebirds already had 8 eggs once.none of the eggs are hatching even after a month and a half but i still left the eggs there in the box to make they are mating again.will the another clutch be infertile again?should i remove the other eggs by now?




  1. I dont know about the mating part but if you dont want eggs dead or alive get rid of the box.

  2. the only way to tell a lovebirds gender is to go to the vet and they have to draw blood and run it through tests

  3. "Hide" please go" seek "out the s*x of each bird!
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