
Getting engaged at 16

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im 16 and about to turn 17 and my girlfriend is about to turn 15 . and she has been talking about getting engaged of course we don't plan on getting married until after school ( when we're 21 or 23 ) or something like that. Im just wanting to know what yall think we should do , we are really serious about each other we know that there is noone else out there for us we've been together for about two years so do you think its a bad idea gettin engaged now and waiting about 7 years before getting married ?




  1. Don't do it.  You haven't even begun to live.  I promise you that you will either break up before you get married or you will wind up divorced.  If you are meant to be then you should get engaged after college.  For now give her a promise ring.  You have your whole lives ahead of you so don't rush.  Live your lives before you settle down or else you will be miserable and have regrets.

  2. you're both way TOO young. Alot can change in a short time. People mature, grow up, find out who they are. They might just find out with time that you're not the one for them. Wait until you're both grown up, educated (graduated) and see where you both are in life.

    Marriage is not something to be taken lightly.  

  3. it really depends on how strong your relationship is and how you both feel about getting engaged

    remember that age is just a number and don'tt let anyone try to convince you otherwise =)

  4. I don't think that there needs to be any rush into getting engaged.  It's not like she is going to run out and book a florist or caterer this far in advance anyways.  A promise ring or other special piece of jewelery just showing your love and appreciation for her seems more than appropriate for the time being.  And when the time comes, best of luck to you!!

  5. Maybe consider getting a PROMISE RING. It is basically a ring that symbolizes your commitment to one another and when the time is right, you will become engaged and marry.

    I did this, and I am so glad we did.

    It is a dying tradition, but people still do it.

    This website talks about Promise Rings and there history:

  6. there is really no 'right' answer here. I think if you are going to get engaged then you would be sensible to wait the 7 years to marry. The suggestions about the promise ring are also something to consider but at the end of the day, you guys are the ones who have to make and live with the decision. Best of luck.

  7. give her a promise ring first and then engaged about a year befor eyou guys would want to get married...

  8. I think you should give her a promise ring. Promising to each other that you will be committed to one another. I'd say- wait until she's at least 18 (legally an adult), and give her a beautiful ring and a romantic proposal :) Good luck!

  9. Don't get engaged now.  Just get her a promise ring or something.  No offense, but very few people who start dating when they're 16 end up actually getting married, and those that do usually don't stay married very long.  People change so much during high school and college.  Even if you're sure about wanting to marry her, there's no point in being engaged now, especially since you won't be getting married for about 7 more years (which I think is a good idea).  It's just a ring; you're not actually going to be booking caterers and photographers 7 years in advance.

  10. Uh yeah you should wait!.....

  11. I would just go with a promise ring for now and look into marriage or engagement when you are older.

    It will save you a lot of hassle from other people as well. Do you really want to put up with "You're too young! Don't do it!" every single day?

  12. Someone asks this question every night, and they always get hounded with answers that are rude or telling them it's a bad idea. I think you should think about it really hard, the both of you and then make the decision together.
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