
Getting food "To-Go" do you tip?

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Ok, everytime I use the "To-Go" service at Chili's or Cheesecake Factory when you get your recipe you can write a tip amount... How many people actually tip? At cheescake they actually take it out to your car, but does that deserve a tip? At Chili"s you pick it up at the bar... why tip? If your work at a restaurant, whats your opinion?




  1. no I dont tip... you already spend gas money on getting there. besides they didn't do anything to earn a tip.

  2. I work at a restaurant and with our to-go you have the option for us to bring it to your car or to come inside. Almost everyone in the car tips a few dollars and the people who walk in do not. The hosts get to keep that and in my opinion deserve the tip because they take the order over the phone, wait for it  in the expo, box, label, and bag it.

  3. It's okay to tip a small amount, but not what you would tip a server in the restaurant. Don't feel cheap if you decide not to tip for a to-go order.

  4. When they take it out to your car you should give them some left over change from your change. But if you have to walk into the restarant then no tip is being deserved by the employee. thats what i do.

  5. I usually tip 1-3 bucks.  Even though it doesn't seem like they are really serving you, they are still packaging your food.  I just feel that if I were working in the to-go service it would make my day to get a couple bucks and know that my service was appreciated.  I know a friend who works at the to-go service at chili's, usually they work there for experience in order to go to the next step of becoming a waiter.  If you really feel like they don't deserve a tip than that's fine because I was told they split tips with waiters and the hostess.

  6. Yes I tip, the servers still have to pay taxes on that. Not to mention they still bag it up for you and get all those little extras that are requested for you. For example if you asked for ranch, gravy, extra ketchup or anything. They also will remember the ones that do tip and they will make sure it is ready on time next time and make sure everything goes out perfect for you.

  7. Someone still had to prepare that food, package it, handle it, etc. So yes you do tip. I work at Carrabba's and I didn't know that you should tip the servers who work Carside until recently. They still take your order, ring up your food, and bring it to you. I would tip at least 10% because many restaurants do tip sharing (a percentage goes to the bussers, bar tenders, etc).

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