
Getting gaps in between the veneers , is there a way to solve?

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I just had my dental veneers done for my front tooth in may 2008.. recently last month i just noticed a slight gap in between them and i consulted the dentist , he just checked and said they are perfect..

but right now i see a noticeable gap .. just wondering is the gap can be fixed .. is there way to fix and is the gap due to not bonded properly .. please help .. or should i have go to good other dentist .. if there is a solution




  1. You should definitely discuss your dissatisfaction with your dentist.  There is always a reason for a gap to suddenly appear after dental work, especially with veneers.  Veneers are used to "close" gaps, not create them.  Although some patients are extra particular and see a minuscule and acceptable or natural flaw as a large catastrophe.  If you can slide dental floss in between the teeth and don't feel or hear a slight "popping" when you place (like you do with your other teeth) the floss, then chances are you do have a gap that is large enough that it needs to be fixed, with a "new veneer" not bonding.   Have this checked immediately (since the veneer is only three months old) and you don't want the gap to get any larger or create other dental problems.

  2. Your natural teeth may shifted a need to tell your dentist you're not happy with the result..he may be able to make some sort of retainer if necessary..

  3. Hello....If your Veneers didn't have gaps between them when they were first put in place, but they do now, the teeth are moving and that is a bad sign. It means that your having a bone loss problem around the teeth due to disease or your bite is off and your biting into the teeth in an unusual manner when the jaws are closed together.....If your current DDS sees no problem here and your positive the teeth didn't have a gap when they were first's most definitely time to get another exam and opinion as to what's going on...NOW, when you call to make the appointment for the second opinion, tell the receptionists that you have just noticed that your Veneers have begun to separate and you need to get them checked to find out why...Do not tell them that you have been to the other dentists or what he said...make every effort to not even bring up the other dentist...if your comfortable with it just say you have had them awhile and you got them in another state...I don't like the idea of not being truthful but unfortunately, far to many health professionals attempt to cover each others mistakes and will not find fault with another professionals work if they can get out it...Also, take a friend with you to hear what the second DDS tells you...If the diagnosis is a disease issue and it has been going on ever since you got the Veneers the first DDS should have diagnosed that issue...You may want to file a complaint with the State Dental Board....Also, if the Veneers are made of a "Composite" material and you don't have a disease issue going on, the Veneers can be added on to without removing them and closing the gap. If on the other hand they are Porcelain Veneers...adding on is not a good idea as the add on material isn't that stable...the Porcelain veneers will have to be replaced. Good luck and I wish you well.

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