
Getting hit while driving parents car?

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I was driving my parents car to practice for my driving test with my friend who has a license and insurance and I got hit the police report says its my fault, the car has insurance so will my parents insurance pay for the repairs? or what happens next?




  1. yes your parent's insurance will pay for it.  They will pay for the damages to your parents car and the other party's car and their insurance rates may go up.

  2. if it was your fault your parents insurance pays. if you got hit and its not your fault, look into it. they should pay. its hard to say whos fault it is, try leaving some details how it happened. but yeah i just had a car accident, it was their fault, i got whiplash and a bad muscle spasm. i got xrays and went to the ER and have to go to a orthopedics now, and you have to make an appointment with the insurance company to work out the facts and everything. if the driver you were driving with is under 21 it will be your fault. if you have your permit you must be with someone 21 or older, and licensed. not just having a license

    EDIT: oh yeah please help;...

  3. I don't get why you're confusing the one who asked the question more and more !

    It's very simple : it's illegal to drive without a driver's license.

    By law, if you wanna learn to drive, you go to a school, or you do it off populated roads.

    So the insurance won't pay !

    If you have full insurance (that pays for you and the other), what you should have done was call ur dad or mom to come to the scence fast, and to tell them that it was he/she that was driving.

    It works if the person you hit agrees to say that too, it happened to me when I was 17 and it saved us around 1000$.

  4. It will only pay for the repairs if it covers you driving it.

    If you are under 18 years of age insurance companies charge heaps to cover the higher risk of you crashing. So if you parents insurance plan doesn't cover this, you will have to pay for the repairs yourself.

  5. It's illegal to have some state they were driving a vehicle when, in fact, you were. That's number one.

    You don't say if you had a permit to drive or not. If not, your insurance (your parents insurance) probably won't pay since it's highly probable they may have you temporarily listed as a "NO" driver of the vehicle to keep their rates down.

    If you had a permit and were included on the policy, then the insurance would cover damage less deductibles.

    You don't say even if you had your folks permission. If not, that could be a problem. If yes, then I assume they knew you would be covered under their policy.

    To keep our rates and record clean, I had our four sons get their own insurance when they first started driving. This also , to a large extent, instilled some responsibility into them.

    My youngest son had several accidents when a teen and some speeding tickets. He ended up paying about $4,500 a year just for the state minimum requirements.

    My second son got over 80 speeding tickets in Texas (where he lives) and ended up with an even higher insurance rate!!

    My other two sons have good records, very low rates and no accidents or tickets.

    I know it's a lot of fun to start driving and everything but do yourself a favor and get your folks involved with your training.

    Get a drivers permit if you don't have one, drive at first someplace that's pretty well deserted (if at all possible). I took one of my sons out on a dirt road in the middle of no where to learn to drive a 5 speed manual transmission.

    Have patience. Be extremely cautious and read and take defensive driving courses. It could save your life.

    Remember, that vehicle is literally a 3,000 pound weapon that can cause extreme damage to property and death to you and others with just a simple, silly error.

    When I was a teenager, one of the girls I knew at school had taken her father's car without his permission and was driving around town showing off. She picked up two other girls she knew and my best friend. Well, long story short, she wrecked the car really bad and turned it over several times. One girl died at the scene, the other lost an arm and a leg. My friend is paralyzed from the neck down. The girl who was driving was thrown clear of the car and miraculously escaped serious injury. But she's had to live with the fact that she killed one of her friends and serious maimed and injured her other friends.  Driving is a VERY SERIOUS matter.  Sorry, I don't mean to preach but just wanted to offer some sound advice to save you from heartache, pain and suffering as you begin driving on public roads.

  6. I don't know how your insurance works....

    but if the insurance is also in your name you can probably claim some.

    I heard that if you're a driver under 18 and have an accident, it will cost you heaps anyway, like a grand or something.

  7. You as the driver are responsible for your actions.  Your friend who was the licenced instructer is also liable for your actions in controlling the motor vehicle.  Your parents insurance company will only pay for the costs if their insurance policy covers them for this.  Otherwise you and your friend will be liable for the costs.

  8. If you were driving your parents car with their permission, their insurance will cover any damage you did.  If they have collision coverage, it will cover repairs to their car, less the deductible amount.

    Your parents will be out $500 to $1,000, depending on what their deductible is at the very least.

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