
Getting hurt without a visor?

by Guest21273  |  earlier

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OK I know that you dont have to have a visor on your helmet but wouldn't you rather have one? You see the guys that dont wear one get high sticked and break their nose, why would you rather hurt your self then just wear a visor, or what about when a puck hits you in the face. I know that you can get high sticked and break your nose with a visor, but I'd rather not take my chances, What would you do?




  1. Dont be a SID (sissy)..... go visorless!

    Actually in a few years (maybe 5 or so) I think it will be mandated in. Its just a matter of time to where enough of the players wear them that the NHLPA will allow the NHL to grandfather it in that any new player coming into the league will be required to wear one.

  2. I would rather have some protection than none. You can still get hurt with a visor, but It is much better than nothing there at all

  3. Well, as you point out you can break your nose with a visor.  In fact, I believe that it is even more possible to break your nose with a half-visor than without.

       With a half-visor, any blow to the face from a stick, a punch, or a shoulder can force the visor (and helmet) down, breaking your nose and cutting it quite badly (personal experience here - even got headbutted once this past winter season).

       What a half-visor does protect more than anything is your eyes.  A broken nose heals, cuts heal, but cuts to your eyes and other damage to your eyes are permanent... and I think we all rely on our eyes immensely.

        Me, I wear a half visor... it has broken my nose three times in 18 years, but it has saved me from high sticks so many more times.  I don't think I would play without a visor of some sort... some players think it is "tough" or something but when talking about saving one's eyes (remember Berard) there is no logical argument.

        Wearing a full shield is really the way to go but I hate them as well - those chin pieces are just horrible; unsanitary and by forcing facial blows to the chin these things do increase concussions (in my opinion - again, personal experience).  Still, not wearing one for such a facial blow can lead to the pain of replacing teeth (yup, got those too - the two front bottom ones, from hockey).

        Face masks are a pain but not wearing one leads to far greater pain.  Whether it's a half-visor or a full-visor, I think they should always be mandatory - Pros or not!

       Football players don't have sticks but facial "shields" are required at all levels.  Hockey should be no different.

  4. you can still get a stick caught in there and OUCH if that does happen!

  5. Visor, for sure.. don't risk it.

  6. I'd wear a full cage...well I'm a goalie so I don't count...

    but what I don't get is how players like homer and franzen and ryan smyth dont wear full cages...

    id be crying if i had to deflect a lidstrom or blake slapshot.

  7. Visor

  8. I would wear a visor. The reason some players don't use visors is because they abstruct vision when they fog up.

  9. i'd wear it, even though it doesnt help too much, it would make me feel safer

  10. visor, i see so many injuries that could've been avoided with one

  11. Visor no contest

  12. play hockey.

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