
Getting in Shape for CrossCountry

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I really need to get in shape for cross country before school starts. Which is on the 18th. I can run 3 miles pretty easy but I always get tired after 2 miles. My knee has had this horrible pain that always hurts when I run so I've been running like a mile a day for the past couple of days. I want to be able to run faster and longer. My goals are to be able to run 3 miles in 23 to 25 minutes and be able to run 5 miles no problem. But how? It would be really awesome if someone could break it down on what to do day by day because that always helps. Thanks!!




  1. The very first thing that you should do is figure out why your knee hurts so much and fix that. Don't run with "horrible pain!" If you keep on running with extreme knee pain you may end up with a lifetime of trouble. The most common problems are "runners knee" or patellofemoral pain syndrome and ITBS or Iliotibial band syndrome. Search the web for explanations and treatments but take care of your knee first. It's very likely that you can fix this and become free of knee pain.

  2. Your XC pace is an even 8 minute mile judging by about a 24 minute three mile. There are a lot of factors effecting how you should train but here is a general 2 week program.

    Day 1 - Run 2 miles in 20 mins, not on road. This helps your endurance.

    Day 2 - Go to the track, Run 6x400m in 1:45 each with a 2 minute rest in between each. This helps with lactic acid tolerance, speed and endurance.

    Day 3 - Rest or go swimming laps. See how knee feels.

    Day 4 - Run 2 miles in 19 mins, again not on road. This is good for recovery and endurance.

    Day 5 - Go to a park and bring a stopwatch. Run 3 repeats of 4 minutes at your cross country pace. Take 2 minutes rest in between each repeat. This helps your confidence and endurance and speed in XC races.

    Day 6 - Run 2 miles in 18 mins, again not on road. This is good for recovery but should feel slightly harder than the last time you ran 2 miles.

    Day 7 - Rest or go swimming laps.

    Day 8 - Go to a track. Run the opposite way than you usually do because going the same way all the time can injure you. Run 3 x 1 mile (four laps) in consecutively 8:10, 8:00, 7:45 with 90 seconds recovery jog between each. This helps with finishing strong, endurance

    and projects a race situation.

    Day 9 - Rest or run 2 miles in 20 mins if you feel like going for a run.

    Day 10 - Try to find a 200 yard long hill near you. Run up it at quite a hard pace but don't lose your good form then jog back down and repeat this 6 times.

    Day 11 - Day to rest completely and make the most of your summer.

    Day 12 - Try to run 4 miles in under 35 minutes. This will sky rocket your endurance. However if you are very tired, or worse, your knee is hurting stop and walk then try again but if you can't it doesnt matter, it is only one workout.

    Day 13 - Run 2 miles in 18 minutes and once you have finished run 4 one hundred yard sprints.

    Day 14 - Rest the day before XC season starts.

    Don't push through knee pain.

    Try icing your knee for 15 mins after runs.

    Have fun!

  3. Definitely check your knee checked first it could be worse than just sore from running. Just gradually increase how long you run each day and push-ups and ab work a couple times a week will help you, too.  

  4. try to join a football club because then u will probably run more than 3 miles but u wont feel like you have because you are into the game. then u should find it easier to run xc.

  5. I would ask your coach/trainer about your knee problem.

    About the endurance - I would run 2 miles for say, a week. don't push it, but don't walk either. jog the whole time. Then the next week go to 3 miles if you don't have any problems with 2 anymore. then the week after that go for 4 miles, unless you're still struggling on 3. then just keep using this pattern

    Hope i helped :)

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