
Getting in shape for high school swim team?

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I was wondering if anyone had any advice. Im 16 , 5'7, 125lb and im thinking of joining the school swim team, but i want to get in shape. What protein powder should i take? Would Creatine be a good idea to take? Any other advice...




  1. Every high school has a different coach who brings with them a different swim work out.

    My coach had us do a lot of running and core/ab/leg strengthening. For the first half hour of practice, we'd either run anywhere between 1 and 4 stadiums and sometimes even 1-4 laps around the track as well. Other times, we'd jog around the baseball field and then run to the pull up bars and other times, we'd just jog around the track. Other days, we'd do a lot of crunches, v-ups, side crunches, platforms, leg lifts, wall sits, push ups and jump roping.  And then there were the days where we just sat and stretched. Then, after that, we'd get into the diving well and do deck ups (usually about 30) and then tread water.

    Swimming wise, we usually swam a lot of longer sprints. We'd usually have a 600 warm up (200 catch up free, 200 straight  arm free, 200 back) . Our work out usually consisted of 8-10 or so 100 frees on different intervals or 20 50 free sprints. Peppered throughout were 50 yard sprints, 25 yard sprints of all four strokes, 4 100 IMs or more continuously and different no breathing drills. We'd also occasionally work on flip turns.

    So, to get into shape, you should probably start running and start swimming as much as possible. You need to be used to swimming 100s of all four strokes, 50 free as well as 200 free and 200 IM and then even be able to swim the 500 free. Eat as healthily as possible as well. As for protein powder, perhaps you should ask a sports trainer or a nutrionist for suggestions of what to take as they probably know and have a better idea of what to take than we do.

    Good luck! High school swim is hard work, but really satisfying. :)

  2. dont take any supplements theyre a waste of money

  3. As a swimmer you don't want bulky muscles so don't take any supplements. They will only slow you down. To get in shape I would reccommend running and running stairs. You need to build up your endurance. Also work on your abs and core as you will be using a lot of that as a swimmer. I would hold off on weight training until you actually start because your coach will tell you what specific exercises are best for you.

    If you want to get into the pool prior to starting the team I would recommend just swimming casually. Nothing too hard core because your coach will create the perfect workout for you specifically based on what type of events he/she will have you swim.

    Drink propel and gatorade drinks but if you want a protein powder to mix into water check a swimming website or store and see which ones they recommend.

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