
Getting internet and programs on a apple ibook?

by  |  earlier

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well, a mac is alot different then a pc. all my programs on my flash drive cant be recognized on the ibook.i have a wireless usb internet adapter i got from usrobotics (type it in at google) and when i put the install cd in it doesnt auto play it just put a file on the desktop.i dont know anything really about mac because im use to windows .but how do i get internet on a ibook?




  1. What are your specs? All apple laptops have had wireless built in for a couple years now. You can find the config settings in the network system prefs.

    You rarely need drivers on a Mac. If it's going to work, it usually just works.

    But you're not going to be able to get your windows programs to run on that old iBook. It's gotta have an Intel processor to run Windows.

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