
Getting into good shape?

by  |  earlier

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Ok guys, well I don't compete in boxing anymore, so that means I don't hit focus pads or whatever else, but I still shadow box and hit the heavybag. Yet I know this won't get me into total shape, so my question to you, is what boxing exercise do you think will get you back in shape so I can hit the heavybag for longer period. Jump Roping is good for developing eye-hand coordination and general speed, but I question its effectiveness as for endurance. I think jogging/running is the best way to get in consider, what do you all think?




  1. A combination of jogging/running (intervals are great), jumping rope(an excellent total body exercise), and increase the rounds on the heavy bag as your conditioning improves. Explosive strength/conditioning exercises are great also.

  2. i've always gotten more out of high-intensity running. Long-distance jogging will work, but you'll burn more calories and work your fast-twitch muscles with high-intensity running. Just do this: jog 20 seconds, then run 20 seconds, then sprint for 20 seconds. Do this for 2-3 minutes, rest for 1-2 minutes, then repeat.  Doing this 2-3 times per week will develop both endurance and explosiveness.

  3. get in fight

  4. Push-ups (two handed or one handed) for pectoralis strength (chest and arm bones).

    Sit-ups for stronger and harder abs.

    Weight-lifting for all over strength.

    Log- cutting (with axe) for arm strength and even endurance.

    Jump Rope for as long as you can go for endurence and agility.

    Duck- Walks for building speed.

    Watch the Rocky movies and you'll get a lot of good ideas.

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