
Getting kids offline and away from TV?

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Does anyone have any tips or stories for getting young children away from the Internet/TV and interested in offline activities? I know that I am the parent - and I will set the rules - but I am looking for really good suggestions for making it easier to get kids to want to be offline. Of course, I will continually suggest (and participate in) outdoor and physical activities ... just looking for a really good trick or tip that has worked for you. I am specifically thinking of kids around the 6-8 year mark.

Thanks in advance for your help!




  1. you could tell them and be firm or you can take them somwhere they will all enjoy

  2. Don't allow the TV into the room.  My six year old isn't ever allowed online because to be honest, I don't have the time to supervise it.  When he's older, I know I'd have to find the time lol but seriously he goes to the library every weekend with Daddy to get books.  Through the week, we'll read the books again and again.  He's also involved with sports so that's a good help.  I don't think there's an easy way but to just take it away and get them to go outside.  I think it's cool that you want to go out and do things with them.  :-)  You'll be glad you did that, because family walks (another idea) could be fun and very healthy

  3. You could send them to a camp of some sort.

  4. Take them places!

    there on there mostly because their bored !

    play games with them do a small  family vacation every once in a while like renting a hotel near a theme park for a day and spending more time together!

    soon they will forget about the computer and tv!

    if that doesnt work disconnect your internet and tv !

    good luck!

  5. I don't make it an issue. I discovered that left to manage his own time, my 8 yr. old will actually choose a variety of activities. It sometimes seems he is playing computer games or onilne games all the time. But I've noticed it just isn't true. He goes through phases. One week he might spend every afternoon on the computer and then the next he has his nose in a book the entire week. Then the next he is writing in his journal and designing new ideas for board games or robots or some other invention. One day he is watching tv the entire day and the next he spend the entire day creating some crazy science experiment. So, I just don't make it an issue. If he wants to be on the computer all day it is okay because I know that he'll grow tired of it at some point and move on to another activity.  I trust him to manage his own time and he does just fine.

  6. No trick, just rules.  Give them each a set amount of time each day for online/t.v. and once that time is up, they have to get off.  You can have them pick out their favorite show or whatever and set it to that time.  But you are the boss and you make the rules.  No need to "bribe" them.

  7. Disconnect the computer and hide the tv!  Maybe sign them up for camping.

  8. Help them to find a sport they like.

    My 7 year old grandaughter discovered tennis last year and is already rated in the nation.

    My grandsons discovered baseball.

    The trick is...  YOU have to be willing to get out of the house WITH them.

  9. Get them involved in something that's outside or at least not on the computer.  Gardening, 4H club, a book club, a day camp, a sport, activities at the library, horse back riding, chess club, boy scouts, girl scouts, tennis, golf, swimming, gymnastics, dancing, art -- anything that they have an interest in probably has a group to join in your area.  Check out your area for local groups and clubs or leagues.  Once they have an interest in something, they're more likely to WANT to spend time doing whatever it is rather than be on the computer or in front of the t.v. set.    Encourage and promote their interests and talents -- praise them for things they do offline and away from the t.v. so they'll be eager to pursue whatever their interest may be.  If you get them involved in an activity (one they like) that requires meetings or time outside of the home (where they can make friends with similar interests), you're more likely to get them to STAY interested and therefore spend less time on the computer and in front of the t.v.

  10. well i tell my little brother that i will take them out of the house like for ice cream or to the park go on walks my liitle brothers like too play at the burger king and mikey ds play ground go to movies be creative hope i help

  11. Find out what they like. Are you talking just physical activity or anything that's not tv/internet? What about taking up a hobby? Learning to build something or play an instrument? What about reading? Maybe get into doing some volunteer work. There are lots of things out there to stimulate young minds and bodies, it just may require you to find out what's going to hold their interest. Whatever they do, it should be fun for them and enriching.

    Good luck!

  12. Bowling is always fun.

  13. um im not a parent but, im 17 and have a 4 yr old sister..what you have to do is just chill with em take em to the park to play or do things with them that doesnt use computer or tv like color or something chances are they will get distracted really easy though so you might want to have more then one thing to do but, the park or swimming is like the shiznits its the number one time killer and its making them work out and play all at the same time..

    hope i helped

  14. I agree with Denise, you have to set the rules. Of course when they are good all week, maybe you can take them to a movie every once in a while for their good behavior but in general, turn the television off and have them read. My mother had us read out loud to her after 7:30pm. Can you imagine a 7 year old trying to read Moby d**k out loud? I ended up sitting on my mother's lap and she'd help me out with the words I didn't understand. Great times I'll never forget and that I'll use with my daughter.

  15. My mother locks the television in the closet,and takes the modem for the Internet.She tells them to get out of the house,and get some exercise,or she will make them clean the house from top to bottom.Works with my siblings every time.

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