
Getting knocked out on your stomach is harder to get up??

by Guest60556  |  earlier

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is this true? someone told me if you get knocked out and fall on your front its really hard to get up why?




  1. I think this is an observation. When people are knocked down and go backward often it is a loss of balance,

    when they go forward on their faces it is because they are unconscious.

    Most of the time when someone is hit and goes forward flat on their face they are not getting up.

  2. It is true.  When you get knocked out and land on your stomach there are a few reasons why it's harder to get up.  One reason is it's generally not a comfortable position.  If you land on your stomach there's a good chance you land on your hands making it uncomfortable.  Another is that gravity is against you.  Landing on your stomach makesit harder for you to push yourself up.  Also it's usually easier for someone else to help you get up if you land on your back.  One more reason is if you land on your stomach, you can have the wind knocked out of you.  So for those few seconds you have before you fall, aim to fall on your back.

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