
Getting large sum from a profit sharing account for a company I work. Where can I put it so I can avoid taxes?

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Getting large sum from a profit sharing account for a company I work. Where can I put it so I can avoid taxes?




  1. Pay the d**n tax.  Don't be stupid like Richard Hatch and Wesley Snipes. It's not worth it.

  2. Transfer it to an offshore account in those tax haven countries,  Unfortunately, all transfers incur a tax!!

  3. If it is not eligible to roll over into an IRA you will have to pay a tax. To protect what is left put as much as you can in an IRA account. You can put the balance in a Municiple Bond fund, preferably one which invests in your state. That will protect your investment and pay tax free dividends which can be re-invested.

  4. Most likely that money will be taxed before you get it.

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