
Getting married. Will I lose my car insurance if under my mom's policy?

by Guest63963  |  earlier

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I am living at home now and I am under her insurance policy and the car is in her name. Will they terminate my policy if I get married and move out? Can I put the car under my fiance's insurance even though the car is in her name?




  1. Rules vary by state but typically the car should remain on your mom's policy, with you listed as the primary driver and  should be rated for the address that you plan to live at.

    Your fiance does not have any "insurable interest" on the vehicle so his insurance company most likely would not cover it unless the title is transferred to either your or his name

  2. There is a lot of useful and intresting information here to help answer your quetion.

  3. Our car was given to us by my parents.  We never changed the ownership of the car to us.  I am named on the insurance as the primary driver of the car but the insurance is still in my dad's name as we get a better rate under his name than if if was in our name.

    You could probably leave it as long as you are listed as the primary driver of the car.  It doesn't matter where you live or where the car lives.

  4. Your parents can surely take the car and delete you from the policy.  YOU can't give the car to your fiance - it's not your car, it's your mom's.

    The insurance company doesn't care if you're married or not - but your fiance should ALSO be listed as a driver once you get married and move out.

  5. When you get married tell your mom to tell her agent because her rate will go down.  Married persons are considered less risky.  You will not loose your insurance but it's time you put the car in your name and start your own policy.  You need to do it sometime to you can build up an insurance history on your own.  Email me with your number if you want me to quote you.

  6. Getting married has nothing to do with insurance switch. You can still keep it in her name.  Rules are different in certain states.

    If you put the car under your fiance's name, then you'll have to make it seem that it's his car and keep your mom as a secondary driver under it, so you she or you can have proof of insurance to go with the registration card.

    Once the names are on the insurance card, then it's fine because it'll be insured for those drivers. My insurance company usually charges an extra $25 a month if it's a new driver added on.

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