
Getting married and want my child to have my married name.?

by  |  earlier

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My daughter is almost two years old. Her biological father has never seen her, does not pay child support, and is not on her birth certificate. Only my name is listed on her birth certificate and her last name is also my maiden name. I have been with my soon to be husband since I was pregnant with my daughter. We moved in together before she was born and he is her father in all aspects other than his DNA. We are getting married soon and I would like to take his last name, but I want my daughter to have the same last name as well. I live in Texas. Is it possible to change her last name? What steps should I take? What are the laws regarding this in Texas? Anyone been in a similar situation? Any additional information is greatly appreciated.

Also, I do not want to contact the bio father to get him to sign his rights over, as I feel he might try to start something. He isn't the kind of man you would want your child around so I would like to avoid contact with him period. Since his name is not on the birth certificate, would I have to contact him in order to make the change I am requesting?




  1. good luck and get a lawyer it's the only way

  2. If your changing your name to something other than the last name of the biological father then you will need to file a legal name change amendment with has an additional fee of twenty-two dollars and includes a new copy of the birth certificate.

    To get a court order for a legal name change, you can download an up-to-date Texas legal name change form online and file it with your county's court. This form can be done on your own but legal assistance is always advised if you want it done right the first time.

  3. well, 1) when asked , you dont know who the father is! or where he could possibly be!

    thats all i know, i am in the same situation (sorta) about not picking the best guy to father my child, so i know how you feel.

    but i think your husband would have to adopt your little girl so you all have the same last name, and as an added bonus, he would then be on the birth cretificate.

    my step-dad addopted me but the steps were different cuz my parents were married at one point in time.

  4. If he wants to adopt your daughter then fine let her have his last name otherwise absolutely not.

  5. have her bio dad sign his rights away, im sure he wouldnt mind since he's never been there, and have your future husband adopt your daughter as his own.

  6. Head down to the courthouse with your marriage certificate and her birth certificate. You can change hers when you go and get yours done.

    As far as rights go, that is only needed if your STB husband wants to legally adopt her.

  7. yes it is possible to cahnge the name.....

  8. Well, only time a person can have last name change is when she got married and take her last name back after she divorced.

    Other wise need Lawyer and supreme court and paper to prove  than you are really what you say you are.

    You may not have to contacting  the father of the child because i don't think he even know he have a child with you.

    But lawyer will give you all that detail.

  9. I'm not sure this can be done without the biological father signing over his rights.  My boys Mom had to do it, so I could adopt them.  He may do it more readily if you go after him for child support.  xox

  10. my mother went thro the same thing with me about 17 yes ago. We combined the two last names......and let me tell you that was just stupid. I love my stepfather and in a month I'll be dropping my bio fathers name on my own in court.

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