
Getting married before Iraq?

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This is not me by the way.... but I'm taking a poll on behalf of my roommate.

If a guy is going to Iraq for a year and a half, and he proposes to his girlfriend a week before he leaves, is it (in your opinion) romantic or stupid to get married a week later, right before he leaves?




  1. Not the best move.  The man will not be the same person when he comes back  No matter how he seems there will be at least some subtle change in him if not more radical change.  No one can go throuhg a year in a war zone and come back the exact same person.  Personally I would want to wait and see just who comes back and if I wanted to spend my life with that guy.

  2. Each to there own.

    Nothing wrong with it.  

  3. It's stupid.  (I'm using your word.)  Long distance communication sucks.  Even just being engaged and apart like that will suck.  Fights will happen.

    If you get married, though, and things go sour, a divorce is much harder than just calling it off.

  4. It is up to them. How much do they care and love one another?  Do they have the money to get married?

  5. Romantic and stupid are not mutually exclusive.  There are plenty of things that are both!  That said, I married my husband two months before he left for Iraq.  I cannot imagine doing it just days before, that would be really hard.  The truth is that it is hard no matter what.  If they had not previously discussed marriage, I'd say wait.

  6. It's not a smart idea, only because the girl has no idea how she will react when he's gone, and vice versa. Many people cheat on their significant others here on the home front and overseas. And if they are just boyfriend/girlfriend, there is no guarantee that the relationship will last. A wedding will only be a waste of time and money. I say no to getting married before him going overseas. Your relationship needs to be put to the test first, and you guys need to see how well you guys can handle the separation. Do not confuse lust with love. Love comes with times and patients and trials and tribulations.  

  7. Get married before he leaves. His "married" pay will kick in. This is horrible- but if something happens to him, she'll get his $250,000.

  8. It was romantic before WWII, but not today. I'd wait.

    Unless she's pregnant. Then I might do it for the baby's health insurance.

    (As someone else mentioned - if something happens to him, she gets money. He also gets more money for being married, and she would qualify for other benefits such as housing allowance. All TERRIBLE reasons to get married.)

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