
Getting married in 7 days and I am not excited! Advice?

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I want to have a marriage and I am marrying an amazing man. However over the last 6 or so months, there has been so much nagging, Ideas being thrown my way, people getting upset, people changing, adding, demand things etc etc that I am not excited about the wedding...My Fiance said to me today, I can't wait to get this Shiit over with. He loves me very much and I love him also...I too am anxious to get this over with.Advice??




  1. Sounds like an episode of Bridezella where the wedding planning turns into h**l on earth and by the time the "Big" day gets here, everyone is miserable. Do you love this guy and are you sure you want to get married? Get your guy, sneak out in the middle of the night before the wedding. Go to Vegas, get married by an Elvis impersonator, leave everyone at the church waiting and wondering what happened. Stick someone else with the bill if you can.

  2. That's wedding planning.  I felt the same way.  That's why we canceled the wedding & eloped in Hawaii.

    Don't put so much pressure on yourself.  Really . . . nobody's going to die if the cuisine isn't perfect or the bridesmaid hates her dress.  It's just wedding drama.

    I won't even tell you how many things went wrong just getting married on the beach but I had a BLAST anyway.  I just liquored up & went on with my honeymoon LOL!

    We watched the DVD slideshow once & that was it.  We're just married now & living.

  3. Congratulations! Have a great time.

  4. just get excited about it. all these people will be out of your business as soon as the wedding is over and it will finally be the 2 of you. Planning weddings always cause couples to fight or be stressed, it's very common for the bride to get sick (like a cold, etc) because of the stress, like a week before her wedding.

  5. maybe you could try some relaxation techniques in your spare time?  close your eyes, listen to nice music.  take a few relaxing baths with candles, and maybe some relaxing music if you have some.  

    weddings are stressful, and if yours is in just six days, try to go with the flow and tune other people out.  you might also let the naggers, demanders and upset people know that you want your wedding to be a happy occasion, not a three ring circus.  Hon you, don't need the stress.  Ask these people to tone it down and get a grip.

    hugs and congratulations. i'm glad you've found a great guy.

  6. You need a break. If you can, treat yourself to a day at the spa or even just a massage. You've earned it after all the planning. Maybe you and your fiance can go on a date, just the two of you. Do something where you don't even have to think about the wedding. Maybe see a movie?

  7. you'll get it back when you look down the aisle and see the best thing that could have ever happened to you, and you will know then that all the stress and aggravation you have gone through was worth it, after your wedding you don't have to see any of these people again unless you want to.  think about the reward.

  8. This day is all about you even though people are not making it seem that way. After you get married, people will go the h**l away and stop getting so involved in every detail. Even if it ends up sucking, you are getting married and to a wonderful person. The most important thing about that day is the fact that you are finally becoming one with your love. The rest of the people making it stressful can go to h**l, and dont be afraid to tell them off! Its your day, enjoy it!

  9. One more week and it'll all be over!!! People make too much of a big deal about a wedding! Too much planning! After the wedding, you'll be more relaxed and enjoy the marriage!

  10. Unfortunately weddings in the United States have become very stressful rather than the spiritual union that they are.  Don't worry, you will be fine, you're just overwhelmed right now.  10 days before I got married I thought I was having a heart attack and my fiance (now husband) took me to the emergency room and it was just stress.  Next month we're having our 21st wedding anniversary.  Sometimes you wait so long and go through so much that by the time the actual wedding actually comes around you're no longer excited and just want to get it overwith.  I had a florist business and designed alot of wedding flowers and worked with alot of brides - believe me, what you're feeling is perfectly normal.  What matters is the last thing you said " He loves me very much and I love him also."  That is what is important.  

  11. Marriage is more of a culture thing.

    if you dont get married it does not mean u dont love your spouse and would not psend the rest of you life with him or her.

    what's important is that, are yo exited to be your spouse!

    dou see your self spending the rest of your life with him!

    marriage is not a commitement but a public celebration.

    so dnt worry if ya dnt feel exited, as long ya truely love each other.

    so it's ok if both of ya feel like you just want to get this celbration over with.

    good luck

  12. Well you will know better next time.

  13. Don't worry.  I got married a few weeks ago, and the groom and I were feeling the exact same way right before.  I only started to get excited two days before the wedding when the flowers arrived, and even than it wasn't until the rehersal the night before that it really hit me.  I still enjoyed my wedding and even enjoyed thinking back over it for the next few days afterwards.  Just hang in there.  It's a relief when you get to the actual wedding and friends and family take over a lot of the preparations and you finally get to sit back and relax.  

  14. video tape the wedding. right now calling the whole thing off and eloping sounds so good so not to have to deal with the families, but in 2 or 3 years when you have settled into a routine or have an arguement, that video will remind you of what you are working towards every day...each other.

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