
Getting married on the beach!?

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I'm getting married at St. Andrews in FL. Any good ideas for the ceremony, or ideas about a reception? Should I hire a coordinator?




  1. Wear sandals or flip flops otherwise your feet will sink in the sand!  

  2. Friend of mine just got married at a mountain retreat center.  Didn't use a coordinator but it did take some effort on their part.  They planned for most people to spend several days at this retreat and had their service on a Friday.  Everyone was casual dress (groom and bride too).  The event was very relaxing and my friend said he looked at it as a "party that happened to include a wedding".  Out of all the weddings I've been to, this was definitely one of the most enjoyable (other than mine of case my wife is checking up on my answers :D).

    I guess you'll need to coordinate the following (either yourself or through a coordinator):

    - License

    - Beach access (not sure if you have to get a permit for a gathering)

    - Parking - Can people park nearby or will they need shuttled in

    - Sun screen - make sure guests aren't in the sun too long (may want tents for older folks susceptible to heat)

    - Lodging arrangements if a multi-day event (or even for those coming from out of town)

    - Reception location - if the beach, will people have seats/tables to eat at, wedding cake, gift table, DJ for dancing, etc...

    - Catering - if you are including food

  3. I live in Florida also- and I am also having a beach wedding- at St. George Island, Fl- I would just say something kind of casual- you know.. nothing to fancy- pastel colors, you know..

  4. Yes, hire a coordinator it will make it alot easier on you!  

  5. Just make sure you don't get married between June and November. Nothing messes up a nice beach wedding more than a tropical storm or hurricane!

    As far as coordinators, if you don't know what to do for a ceremony or reception, then yes. I recommend you hire a coordinator.  

  6. have the ceremony at dusk and get your guests to carry paper lanterns and have then lined up as a path down to the beach. Have the actual ceremony on the cliff top and then go down onto the sand for photos, champagne, throwing grooms men in the water.  

  7. If you are having the wedding at a resort, they should have a coordinator on hand.

    If not and you are not from the area, yes...hire someone who can do the leg work for you.

    As for ideas, what about a sand ceremony?

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