
Getting married right out of high school?

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my boyfriend says he wants to get married when we graduate and im a junior right now. i was just wondering if anyone had personal experience or thoughts about getting married right when you graduate. i will only be 18. haha.




  1. Have fun and travel, do not tie yourself down so me you will thank me in ten years.

    It might be hard to believe but you will start to resent the other person if you do not have a chance to experience life as an independent person. Be free and have fun!!!



  2. wait till you're older.

  3. big mistake....for the both of you.  Get a life first.

  4. wait till your older. my parents had me out of high school. marriage makes getting through your younger years in life a lot more difficult. its also more expensive. I had learned from my parents. Just wait

  5. Live independently first and spend some time truly discovering yourself.  Marriage is a big stressor whether it's a good stress or bad one.  Wait for it!

  6. wait. go ahead and date. just don't get married until ur done at least 4 years of college and you know what you want to do with ur life.

  7. i graduated in 2007 even tho im only 19 right now, im in college and getting married this december ...  i dont see a problem with it as long as u know its the person u want to spend the rest of ur life with

  8. You should wait at least a couple of years. When you go to college, your life really does change...and you find out a lot about yourself. It would suck if you married the person you loved right out of highschool and then went seperate ways once you went to college.

    I got married when I was I'm speaking from experience. (We're still married and in love...but I'm glad I waited the extra couple of years).

  9. where are you guys gonna live?

    how are you gonna live?

    do you realize how much money it costs to live on your own?

  10. hmm, First thing you have to keep in mind and ask both of you is that are you guys ready to accept all the consequences that a marred life will go through.? Consider factors like, financial, emotional. It's not a joke when you get married, specially you are still in a very young age. Be sure that your boyfriend is that someone you want to be with forever. Let's dont add up in the divorce rate. Don't rush in getting married, however, if you trully love each other, go for it! Always be happy!

  11. I was 21 my bride was 18 and pregnant we thought we were in love neither one of us was educated well enough to get a good job and working and going to school is rough it was good for a few years but after two kids then 12 years later 3 and 4 was born I got laid of she managed the bills constantly in debit lost two homes and a car by default we stayed together but I don't know why we could not stand each other after almost 36 years she passed away and after about 2 years I remarried to a beautiful lady we work together and have a nice home and Love each other and life together .

    My advice wait and get education or a trade or technical training if the Love is true a year or two won't hurt it may make your love stronger.

  12. My parents married when they were 17 and had me at that age too. If you have love and support, why not? Support also includes being financially stable. Good luck.

  13. Well, I didn't get married young and and I am really glad that I waited for a lot of reasons.  You change a lot between the ages of 18 and 25 - your interests, life goals, ideals, etc.  Who knows if you guys would still be the same people in 7 years?  

    I got married when I was 28.  Before I was married, I worked and made great money.  I traveled all the time!  I went all over Eastern Europe, to Scotland, Holland, the Caribbean, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Swaziland and Tanzania.  Although you can travel as a married couple, it is more difficult that when you are single.  And inevitably ... babies will come!  Then, you will not be doing much of anything for a while except changing diapers and feeding bottles.

    My advice .... WAIT!  Enjoy being single.  Keep dating your boyfriend but wait at least a couple of years.  Get an education.  It is so important!!!

  14. You should really wait for this.You can still love someone and not get marreid.I am 32 and i got married to fast and the result to this is not being happy.Once you are friends it is easy to keep a relationship but once you get married you can sometimes loose intrest and end up not being friends at all.The best thing to do is wait to make sure this is what you want.And it seems though you are in doubt or you would not need to ask.But hough knows only you so.Just follow you heart and be pationt.

  15. uhm...I did. It lasted twenty eight years.

    However, I'd make sure you both have some way to support yourselves. It's not fun being broke with kids for the first ten years.

    ...and yeah, you have to LOVE each other. You didn't mention you love this guy. If you don't. Don't get married. Bills, and babies are the fastest way to a divorce if you don't have love.

  16. I will not even read what you have wrote I will just say your too young finish your education like College/University and just live your young life settling down when your this age is just foolish and crazy live your life .  Tell your BF your not even sure he is the one you want to spend the rest of your life with that you feel having a career and a job is important before rushing into marriage.  It sounds like your BF just wants a s*x slave right away and doesn't want to wait.  Wait until your like 24-25 and have a career and a decent job him as well if he ends up being the guy for you.  Marriage is the most important decision one makes in life choosing wisely is vital your too young too even know the complexities that marriage entails and the compromises and sacrifices you have to make let alone the daily extreme hard work it takes to keep a marriage going it is quite common that teenage marriages last under 5yrs do you really want to have a divorce in your life before your say 25.  

    You have your whole life ahead of you there is no rush unless of course one of you is dying and the one wish is to be married atleast for awhile before you die then I would be okay with this.

    In actual reality though this guy may just be your high school romance your true love could be in college you do not have the wisdom needed for marriage yet noe does your BF take your time.  

  17. Well, three out of four marriages that age generally end in divorce.  That means there is three times as much of a chance that you will regret it as that you will be happy about the decision.  I know you probably think you've got what it takes and you'll be one of the lucky ones, and maybe you will be, but everybody feels that way.  Obviously not everybody can be.  Why not wait a few more years to be sure that things don't change and this is still what you want when you've been out of school for a while?  My parents started dating in high school when they were 16 and pretty much always believed they'd end up married.  They got married at 22 and are still together 40 years later.

  18. personally I wouldn't, I wasn't mature enough at 18, I got married at 22.

    But, it's all down to how you feel, some people meet at school, get married when they leave and are happy as can be 40 years later!

    Talk to everyone that knows you, they are in the best place to offer advice.

  19. omg, you SHOULD NOT get married right out of high school. I just graduated and there were these two girls who kept telling my best friend and I how they were going to get married and that we were dumb for spending all this time getting into college and that our dreams of being famous and traveling were a waist.

    Both have broken up with their boyfriends by now (within 2 months of graduation), both are struggling to pay for themselves (they work at Target) and neither are going to college and looking foreward to all the fun things my friends and I who are going to college are. They had to ring up all my new college stuff, and they were not happy at all to see me with my new dorm decorations.

    This is the time of your life to do things you've always wanted to do, see things you've always wanted to see. Be somebody special so when your old you don't have to wish you did something cool, you can remember all the cool things you did, and, when you've had your fun, then you can get married, and not feel like you missed great things like college and stuff.

    Go to college, have some fun, and then get married. Believe me, you'll be much happier. Plus, you won't have to work at Target while all your friends go off to college.    

  20. I did it, and I'm 24 now. 5 years and 2 babies later I'm getting divorced. Believe me when I tell you it is highly unlikely that at 18 or 19 you know what you want for the rest of your life. Life changes, and as you grow, you realize some of the things you thought you wanted are not necessarily what you want anymore. Go to college and enjoy being young. Once life gets full of responsibilities it's nearly impossible to go back to careless fun life... So why rush into that? Take it from me, enjoy your life, and wait a few years to get married. Good luck.

  21. By questioning this, I think you know the answer is you are not ready. Be young while you can, getting tied down so young seriously inhibits your choices for a future. Experience life. Go to college, find your niche. If you 2 are meant to be together, he will wait.

  22. i got married at 18 had a job got us into our first place together invited friends and family to the wedding 8 years went by and found out infidelity on her part she said to me she was to Young to get married (good luck)

  23. To be completely honest, it's a bad idea. People change more between 18 and 23 than they do between 12 and 18. The person you become, and the person he becomes, in those few short years will be so different that there's no guarantee you'll be able to stand the sight of each other.

    Wait a few more years. Finish college. Have a bit of a life before tying the knot.

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