
Getting motivated to do things i've always wanted to....?

by  |  earlier

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i'd like to learn to play the guitar, as i can read music (though not guitar music..) or do something else like get a job. What are some tips on motivating myself to just do these things i've wanted to do for awhile now???

thanks :)




  1. I often times start things, then leave them halfway done, not motivated, like you, to keep at them. What I have learned to do is to leave reminders, like little sticky notes (post-its) around my house that  give me inspiration of what could come if I follow through. If you continue with the guitar, it's an interesting subject when talking with people to keep a conversation going, or if you want to start hanging out with people in that kind of scene. You could also do the obvious and make a career out of it. Writing songs is a good hobby and can help expressing feelings, or just something to do when you're bored. There are alot of reasons to to be inspired, you just have to write them down, and remind yourself of them.

    Hope this helped :]

  2. You could always tell yourself that life isn't worth living unless you live it to the fullest.

    Good luck to you.

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