
Getting my braces off next week.. but my jaw has been clickin ever since i had em on, will it still click ?

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Getting my braces off next week.. but my jaw has been clickin ever since i had em on, will it still click?

Its been annoying me ever since i've had braces.. whenever i open my mouth, it clicks and im worried that it will continue to click after my braces will be removed (next week)... i've had my braces since my birthday, july 1st, and getting them removed august 13th.. will my jaw still click!! >_< and how does it feel when u get ur braces off? will food not get stuck anymore? :) does it hurt gettin em off? how long will my clicks go on for and will it ever go?

(I will have had my braces for 13 months and a half)




  1. you have the same thing i have.  TMJ, no its nothing severe, lol you&#039;ll be fine.  its just a small clicking when you open your jaw.  sometimes it will jolt a bit but you can go to a chriopractor and they put this thing on it and it reduces the clicking but it wont stop forever.  ask your orthodontist about TMJ.

  2. My son just got his braces off a month ago. He&#039;s 11. It didn&#039;t hurt getting them off. His gums were badly swollen and already they look normal. Food won&#039;t get stuck as long as you brush and floss regularly.

    As far as the clicking, that has nothing to do with the braces. Talk to your orthodontist. Since you will have to get fitted for a retainer anyway, maybe he/she can create a  mouthguard if you are grinding your teeth at night. A retainer and a mouthguard require a mold of your mouth--why not get them both done at the same time?

    A cheaper option of course is to get one at the drug store.

    Your orthodontist would be able to tell you the cause of the clicking. I&#039;m only mentioning the grinding because of my own experience.

  3. if you haven&#039;t said this to your orthodontist, you should, there could be something wrong with your alignment.

  4. You should definitely tell your orthodontist about this. You may be experiencing TMJ problems.

  5. It might just be one of them things that just happen. For instance, every single time I bend down, my knees click :|

    If you&#039;re worried, just go to your dentist about it :)

    When you get your braces off, it&#039;s so amazing. Your tongue just keeps going to them, and they&#039;re just so smooth!

    It doesn&#039;t hurt at all. They do it really prefessionally, and food doesn&#039;t get stuck any more :D

  6. I don&#039;t think that it will click, I&#039;m pretty sure the clicking comes from the appliance, so when you get it off it won&#039;t do that anymore!

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