i have a son that's right now is going to head start program. when he was three i started noticing that he wouldn't do what normal three years did, he still thought was two years old. i thought that he just need time, because i also had a baby then too. maybe he just needed some more attention from me. so, i gave him sometime to get to know he's sister. I also made time for just our time. so when i enrolled him into the head start program. i thought this should be easy for him ,because he know how's to count to 30 and knows all of he's alphabets. he knows most of he's shapes . so, i went back to work and then that's when he's teacher said that she notice that we'll call him "zach" needed to be tested. he couldn't just seat still and concentrate on the task at hand. he had to be moving or touching someone. so, since i have joint custody i had to ask he's father if we should get him tested. he refused he said he didn't want he's child to be labeled retarded. help someone.