
Getting my dad to let me have 2 pets?

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I have already cleaned my room did chores around the house took better care of my dog I did research about hamsters I even said I would pay for my hamster but my dad still said no. I can't think of any other ways to get my dad to say yes to letting me have a hamster. He is very strict & once he makes his decision he doesn't normally change his mind . Please help me!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. just keep on begging or just right an essay of how you can take very good care of hamsters

  2. I'm sorry, you will probably hate this answer, but here goes; I think your dad is right not to let you have one.

    You mentioned you took better care of your dog to convince your dad that you should have a hamster. If you have a pet, it is your responsibility at all times, and if you are not giving it the best care you possibly can as much of the time as possible, then you are not a responsible pet owner in my book, and probably don't deserve the animal. You are treating your dog as a means to an end, which is wrong-what happens when you get your hamster-does poor doggy get neglected again? In my eyes doing this is a sign of immaturity, and thus a sign that you really aren't ready for a pet.

    Ok a hamster is a completely different matter-they are far easier to look after than dogs-but really if a dog can't maintain your interest (and really a dog is one of the most exciting, lovable creatures you could possibly hope to take care of), then how do you think you'll fair with a Hamster? A creature which is far less eager for interaction, much more likely to bite, and is essentially nocturnal? How long before you want a new pet and start neglecting the hamster?

    I'm sorry to lecture and be all "father knows best", but I have been there and done that when I was young-and it's something I still regret.

  3. Omg, same thing happened to me, and I got my hamster! What I did was wrote a five page essay on how to care for a hamster so I showed I knew how to take care of it, and I left it on their bed. They saw it, and it was very professional, good luck with Dad!

  4. prove you know everything thats involved with looking after a hamster, show him the money you have put aside to help with the costs etc and good look :)

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