
Getting my drivers license?

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I'm 18 years old and I live with one parent (the other lives in a different state)

I'm kind of confused/scared about getting my license. I have my temps.

I never finished drivers ed. (I took the class part but I didn't do the driving portion because I didn't have the money to finish)

I don't have a car to practice driving in. My dad has an enormous truck with bad brakes and my brother has a stick, so no practice for me!

My brother and dad keep pushing me to go take my test. They keep saying that it wouldn't hurt to take it, because if I fail I can just take it again. But they don't understand that I have little to no practice, and it would be very stressful taking a driving test when you don't drive.

My friend is letting me borrow his cobalt for the test, but we both work a lot and I need time to practice in his car and time to take the test in.

What should i do?

I keep freaking out about it because I REALLY need my license because I can't keep bumming rides off of people/ walking to work, but it just seems like a lot to deal with.

It just stresses me out even more when every one keeps pushing me.

will some one help me out here? any tips or words of wisdom?




  1. practice is a faster process than you may think, it only takes a few minutes a day, and soon, it becomes like riding a bike....a few days or a couple weeks of reviewing road rules and you should take the should learn to drive a stick as well.

  2. hey. i'm 18 too and unfortunately i had the same issue you're having. my mom was pushing me and telling me i needed to rush and get my license so i could take my little sister to school across town here in las vegas. i learned my lesson when i quickly failed the test... just because i didn't know that if my cell phone went off during the test, its an automatic failure. my advice is to practice more before rushing into something you aren't ready for. that way, when you feel confident... you'll pass the first time and be driving in no time. good luck.

  3. It is you Who Going to take the license.Rather than afraid about getting through the test simply JUST DO IT. cor rage only brings you success by this time to you. Best of luck  

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