
Getting my ears pierced is difficult.?

by  |  earlier

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i have a history of getting infections in my earlobes. So i went to my dermatologist and got it done there, hoping it would be safer. I used sterling silver this time, not anything with nickel.

The dr. used a gun, but i think it was its first use ever.

point is, i think they might be infected again.

he said to use hydro peroxide, altabax (wound cream) and steroid cream (topicort). I think the combination of those is really weird.

I'm not just going to use altabax and soapy/salty water. (If i don't have sea salt, can i put regular salt in water?)

Any suggestions....this really sucks...

anyone else have lots of infection problems? :(

oh also, he said if all else failed an antibiotic like a steroid pill would help...i was like ummm *pictures self all muscly*




  1. The best way to avoid infection is to not use the gun at all. Go to a body piercing place where you can get pierced with a single needle.

  2. He shouldn't have used a gun

    And don't use whatever he said to use.

    Don't take out the piercing,, leave it in and clean it with SEA salt soaks

    and change the earring to either titanium or surgical steel

  3. i have many piercings & i was told to use saline. it's contact lense cleaner but it really works. i really hope it works i know what it feels like to have an infected piercing. :/

  4. I've met many people who think that they can only wear pure gold or pure silver earrings, but I think that they are actually allergic to nickel.  Pure gold has no nickel in it, so someone who's allergic to nickel won't have a problem with wearing that type of earrings. The real problem lies in the assumption that because that type of earrings doesn't cause discomfort, they must be the only type of earrings that person can wear.

    The other problem lies in a commonly held misbelief that sterling silver contains no nickel.  Sterling silver is not the same as pure silver, and it does have some nickel in it.  Only earrings that have the label "nickel-free" on the package are actually nickel-free.

    Claire's has a good selection of truly nickel-free earrings.  Or you could buy plastic jewelery sleeves and put them over regular earrings, so that the metal won't touch your ear.  The official name for them is "pierced ear protectors."

    Good luck on dealing with your problem.  I know what it's like - I'm allergic to nickel too.  Rest assured that it does get better, and after a few years, you can even wear regular earrings without protectors for a day or two and not have any discomfort.  Keep a pair of nickel-free earrings handy though - you never know when the pain might sneak up on you, and then it's time to switch.

  5. I don't think that was very wise of him, or you for that matter.

    Now days you have to have a license in many cities and/or states to do any type of piercing.

    A dermatologist, unless getting schooled on it on the side, knows nothing about piercings.

    Yes, the combination you state above is very ....strange.

    Here are some sights about piercing care:

    My daughter used to have this problem. She has had her ear pierced and re-pierced a total of about 5/6 times!! And, she is only 13.

    The last time she went to a tattoo / piercing place that was well known for their work. She got them pierced and took very good care of them - following care instructions to the "T". We even changed her pillow case about every night just ensure the fact that she was doing things correctly. She would clean them when she got up, after showering or baths, after doing any physical activity like biking, playing at the park, etc.

    Good luck to you!!

  6. Sounds like quite a predicament, a bit like my situation a few years back.

    I would say, as long as you don't fidget too much with them, and apply all the solutions recommended, you should be fine.

    Also, try not to have them too exposed to the elements...when possible, wear scarves, hats etc. And try not to apply too much pressure on them, for example, sleep on your back as opposed to either of your sides.

    Ok, I'm starting to sound a bit like my mom so I think I'll stop.

    Good luck :)

  7. My ears are the same way, I just have to clean them about 3 times a day when the piercings are new, then once a day even after the 8 weeks or so.

    I now have 4 pierings on each of my earlobes.  They still get infected sometimes(not often), but if I just clean them, then its gone in a day or two.

    Steroids aren't just for gaining muscles by the way.  There's a lot of different types of them.  I had to take one when I had a respiratory illness.  Steroids can help with all kinda of sicknesses.

  8. Ok soooooooooooooo I had that problem 2 so my kept getting infected I went to get them periced for the 4th time and she would not do it she said that I most likely had a condition in which my body can not get precings so if you ever let them grow in wait a while does it swell up on the back or front or turn red then you should probably check up on that!  Hope I helped!

  9. I would do what your dermatologist says... and   i dont think i would put regular salt on the peircing. people use sea salt for a reason ( i  dont know why though)  so i would stick to sea salt.    the main thing is to  keep your pericings realllyyy cleann!  

  10. Ok this is a typical infection question. I don't care what anyone else on YA! says, this method is the best and the healthiest. For infected ears soak them everyday in hot salt water for 15 minutes. Clean they with H2Ocean, it works. If the infection is bad get a q-tip and get some alcohol on it and clean your ear with that. It does kill the infection BUT as it kills infection it kills healing skin tissue which isnt so good for your ear but kills infection very fast. But basically just leave the earing alone, soak it, spray it and wait. It takes time but it will get better.

  11. i had the same problem.  my ears kept getting infected and i had no idea why.  it turns out im allergic to everything except for real gold or real silver.  sterling silver or anything with kickle would really mess with my ears.  so try the real gold or silver.  i bet thats the problem.  good luck!  but keep cleaning them.  peroxide or rubbing alcohol usually does the trick.

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