
Getting my niece in her car-seat??

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So I asked this question last night, and well none of the answers helped. So I am hoping maybe someone will give me something...

My niece is 22 months old, and all of a sudden doesn't want in her car-seat. She clings on to me when I try and put her in her seat. Then when I get out of her death grip from me, she arches her back, making it impossible to put her in her seat. She is very strong willed, and it is really making it impossible to go anywhere. Why has she done this all of a sudden, as she use to, meaning like a week ago be fine and love the car, and how can I get her to love it again??





  1. I dont think its the car seat, shes just throwing a fit and trying to Not do something you want her to do.

    My daughter does this on occasion when she's fussy or in a rebellious mood. While she's arching her back I just keep my hand on her tummy which keeps her in place until shes tired from arching. During this time I'm telling her to be good, stop moving, basic frustrating pleas of a mother.

    Eventually I'll get her buckled in and she'll cry for a little bit more but will stop eventually.

    I dont know how to make them stop, its a tantrum plain and simple. She'll get over it.

    I fear the day she can unbuckle her carseat by herself!

  2. It is strange that she did this when she use to like the car maybe you can try giving her something to do when in the car. Like a toy to play with maybe she find riding in the car boring and does not want to go.

  3. Have you asked her why she doesn't like it any more?  You can't force her to like it, but you can force her in it.  Tell her she cooperates and gets in her seat or she goes to bed.  Then put her in bed if she doesn't and let her scream all she wants.  It will teach her to get in her seat when she's told to!

  4. My daughter gets a little psycho about being strapped into the seat.  She does the arch back and that is seriously annoying, especially when you are in a hurry.  I try to distract her with a toy or book, or I will sing to her (itsy bitsy spider is good b/c they have to use their hands to sing-a-long which distracts them a bit).

  5. i know you say its not the seat, but maybe that could be the incentive. if she is big enough (and by almost 2 she should, be or at least close) to get a seat that uses a regular seat belt and is more like a booster (with the back on), then i would get that, she may feel like she is big and gets to sit in a new big girl seat.

  6. at 22 months old they tend to go more by actions then talking to them ..they are still to young to understand much of what you say ...make a game out of it with her...tickle her and act goofy while putting her in the seat , talk in a funny voice , pretend to bite her ankles ...she will be laughing so hard she wont realize that she just got suckered into going into the car seat

  7. Try distraction. Maybe a special toy only for the car, or a special treat. Also, try to find out why she doesn't want to go in. Are the straps too tight? Is there something sharp that is poking her? Is the strap that goes between her legs hurting her? When I was researching car seats, that was a common complaint. A lot of people said that the strap between the legs hurt their kids. You may need to get a new seat. The Britax Marathon is expensive, but one of the safest seats and goes up to 65 pounds.

    Then, there is also the possibility of something traumatic happening, making her hate the car.

  8. Has she recently been in the car seat for a long journey - it sounds like she is rebelling against being put in there for long periods of time.

    I wouldn't worry about it as it will pass soon, just be calm, reassure her that it will only be for a little while.

    Be patient.  Remember that she is still a baby at 22 months old and if we don't "baby" our little ones when they are babies, when will we?

    Totally ignore the person who said to "Hit Her" I hope to goodness she doesn't have kids!  Caring, nurturing, kind parents and care-givers don't do that!

    EDIT: I am wondering if she is doing this when you are taking her and she is leaving her Mother, it could be that she doesn't want to leave Mommy.

  9. First of all you don't hit a child. EVER! That is a horrible answer.

    You'll probably never know why she no longer wants to sit in her car seat. Perhaps she is just pushing for independence and doesn't like being "tied down".

    You should try using positive reinforcement. Try starting with immediate gratification. Have a new toy or favorite snack and let her know she can have it IF she's "good" while you buckle her in.  If she doesn't behave you can't give her the treat (which will NOT make her happy, but don't give in!)

    When you're in the store, let her pick out a small toy or book. Let her know she gets it if she lets you buckle her in for the trip home. Make sure to give her the treat as soon as she's properly buckled. Again, if she struggles do NOT give her the toy and tell her why.

    You may also want to try having her be more involved. Explain why people need to buckle in (of course in easy to understand terms). Show her that you have your own seat belt, and of course wear it at all times. If she has a doll or stuffed animal she carries with her you can have her buckle them in the seat beside her "so dolly is safe", then tell her it's her turn. Make sure when you buckle in you tell her and again point out that now you are safe too.  

    There's really no magic answer, and no matter what it may take some time and definetaly some patience to get her to buckle in easily. Hopefully she'll grow out of this stage soon and it will no longer be an issue. Good luck!

  10. only the BLONDES were  offended maybe its the chemicals  ......but  you need to hit that child. sometimes a spanking is what teaches them. if u show them that they get their way every time they cry and fuss then they will make it a habit

  11. Tell her you'll give her a juice box or something but only if she'll sit in her seat and let you strap her in.  

  12. Have you tried letting her buckle the seat by herself or tell her you'll give her a treat if she sits in the seat i guess.

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