
Getting my nose pierced by gun :) ?

by  |  earlier

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Okay.. my local area doesn't seem to do any piercings by needles :\ And theres a jewelers that a few people I know have had peircings in thats near by where i live that do licenced ear & nose peircings, however they're done by gun. Basicly i'm worried about whats going to be in my nose after i've had it done by gun, i'm guessing it's going to be a earing.. I do know ALL the risks as i've done alot of reseach, but i was wondering 2 things,

1. Is it possible the earing could be to long and sort of go into the middle of my nose?

and 2. baring in mind of the infection risks would i be able to take the earing out, clean up the hole on the inside and out and put in a newly sterilised stud maybe a day or so later as long as I keep it REALLY clean?

Please no answers such as "DON'T GET IT DONE BY GUN ITS BAD" - Because i know

Thank you x x




  1. Im not sure where you live but i find where i live - in Australia - more places use needles then guns for obvious reasons...

    Can you really not find a place that uses a needle anywhere? If you must get it done by a needle, i can tell you now that they will use like an earring gun and you will just have a straight backed earring sticking into your nose...

    I have a friend that had this (and still does) and she hates it! Nose piercings are annoying enough and hard enough to clean without having to worry about making sure it dosent fall out...

    Bareing this in mind you have said that that this is pretty much the only option so you can do it and i personally dont think its that bad....

    I doubt you could change it after one day as i tried after a week to put in a clear one and i couldnt do it at all... i had to go back to the piercer and get them to put it back in which hurt alot because they practically re pierced it...

    I definately suggest you go get it changed at a professional piercer. They will clean everything so its safe to put into your nose and it will be much easier and probably hurt less...

    It is easier to have someone else do it as they can see it wayyy better...

    in response to number 1 - it will go in and probably poke the middle of your nose but it shouldnt literally pierce it when you get it pierced because the piercer should put something there to prevcent that...

    Whatever you do, goodluck


  2. 1.... huh? its either a stud or a ring.

    Rings heal faster.

    2. you dont need to take the ring out, just get saline solution and a q tip.

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