
Getting new contact lens soon.... soft ones..... just a couple <span title="questions.....................................">questions...................</span>

by  |  earlier

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1. how would I know that i won't be like allergic to them

2. pros, cons of hard, soft contact

3. tips, advice?

4. thanks!




  1. no dont swim with them! or sleep or cry

  2. Why contacts?

    1 It is not possible to correct irregular astigmatism with glasses.

    2.Aberrations associated with spectacle;es are eliminated.

    3.Normal field of vision is retained.

    4.Cosmetically more acceptable.


    1 Never sleep while wearing your daily wear contact lenses

  3. 1. most people aren&#039;t allergic to them, but you&#039;ll wear the contacts for a trial period to be sure they&#039;ll work for you.

    2. Hard contacts are not very comfortable and must be cleaned on a regular basis.  They do last much longer than soft.

    Soft lenses are much more comfortable and have a less chance of developing eye infections because the majority of them are disposable usually lasting 1 day, 2 weeks or 1 month.  They still need to be cleaned, but not to the same extent as the hard contacts.

    3. take good care of your lenses

    4. You&#039;re welcome :)

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