
Getting no spark on 1988 Ford Ranger 2 door pick up

by  |  earlier

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Ran fine then started turning off when hot .. replaced TFI (yeah the one attached to the distributor.) no luck..We have replaced all electrical components. Including distributor, wiring harness, modulator and distributor. Still no spark. Please,help.

At wits end. is 2.3 liter fuel injected.. manual trans.

Thanx in advance.




  1. are y equipped with a crank sencor?? y said y ran it hot do y have water in y oil does it crank very fast are y equieped with a rotor??

  2. It would be cheaper to take to mechanic to have them give you an idea rather then throwing parts at it that you don't need

  3. Have the ECU checked out. Did you make sure all your fuses are good? And checked your cam position sensor ?. could be a broken wire as well. A repair manual is your best be before throwing more parts at it. But maybe have a look here for some basic help.,107...

    Notice I said Cam, not crank sensor. i know the 2.3 has a cam sensor but no crank sensor

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