
Getting nowhere with doc - can I request a drug I have seen from them?

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Was on Citalopram earlier in year - came off gradually as didn't like the feeling of not caring about anything. My symptoms are as follwos - all of which I have told various docs over the years but none has ever been linked:

•Pain in my feet – sharp, stabbing pain that can happen when I’m just sitting – takes me by surprise and makes me jump with pain – like a knitting needle being stuck in my joints

•It’s like my nerves are on fire at the ends

•Have had x-rays, blood test etc – I know what I haven’t got (e.g. not arthritis etc) but still no wiser as to why I’m in pain

•Feet and lower leg heat up, swell and ache deeply and painful to touch

•Feet hurt nearly all the time, no matter what I wear on them – whether standing or sitting, though standing obviously worse

•Constantly tired – so much so that I feel I could just collapse and whole body feels heavy, all the time

•Head muzzy and sleep irratic

•Eyes constantly tired / spots in front of eyes

•Very tearful, intolerant, emotional – can’t function at times

•Extremely depressed at times – so much so that can’t go out and feel as though I’m going mad – standing in middle of room crying and cannot switch my brain off – feel I want to hit it to make everything go away

•Becoming increasingly anxious and shy when faced with meeting new people

•Anxiety in general

•Extremely sweaty – and get irrationally hot and unable to cool down or stop sweating – it sometimes runs down my body under my clothes

•It then cools and I feel cold / dirty etc – often on way in to work

•Feeling like everything’s just too hard and too much effort

•This effects where I can go and when – not to mention the effect it has on relationships - have not had one for years and don’t feel as though I deserve one as feeling overweight, ugly, tired, sweaty etc.

•Trying to get fit but constant uphill struggle – try to ignore it when running but even with orthotics feet ache and hurt

•Pins and needles sometimes

•Feeling increasingly dehydrated and constantly thirsty - drinking lots of water to compensate

•Ache all down left leg (sciatica)

•Terrible hip pain now – around left pelvic area at top of hip joint, made worse with exercise – I think this something that needs to be looked at separately from the other pain as new

•Hands swell up sometimes particularly when exercising

•Headache – seems to be constantly there in the background – see muzziness above

•I cannot get away from this pain and fatigue – it’s like I’m constantly under a cloud of fug that I can’t shake loose, it’s all such an effort (even speaking to friends is an effort) and feel this has all gone on long enough – am tired of it all and want to live a normal life

I looked up ‘pain’ and ‘depression’ and saw many articles about Cymbalta that seems to link the two – could this be helpful? I need to do something and am getting nowhere so any advice that would give me back up as to what to say to GP would be very, very welcome...thank you for reading this.




  1. Have you seen a neurologist?

    You can request any med from your doctor.  It's up to your doctor to actually prescribe it.

  2. Your pain symptoms sound almost like Fibromyalgia. Cymbalta is used to treat this along with depression. I would think this would be the best medication for you.

    I think if you go to your doctor with research that you have done and just ask them about Cymbalta, they should have no problem prescribing it to you. Usually when they see that you are concerned and are spending time researching what you think could be wrong, they are supportive in decisions you come to. Usually if they won't give it to you after that there is some reason. But, if your doctor won't give it to you and you really really want to be on it, you can find a doctor that will give you the prescription you want.

    Good luck!

  3. The pain issues could be handled by a GP, Who put you on the Citralopram? The Citralopram could be the cause of the muzziness feeling. Arthritis or a circulatory problem in your legs could be a cause for pain in your legs and hips.

    You didn't mention an age area.

    You may need to see a psychiatrist to adjust your meds.

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