
Getting older, getting angry

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i find the older i get, the more people i meet, the less faith i have in people around me, and the less belief i have in anyone. this includes my family. this includes my friends. people i have known for years upon years. people i trust but never really feel like i can depend on.

if i am in need of someone to be there, i dont feel like there is anyone i can rely on. and it doesnt matter how many people say they will be there, everyone disappoints in the end.

considering the world today, is it worth having faith in people or their words anymore? does love even exist?




  1. love is a b*tch, first of all. secondly, we're all alone in the end .

  2. everybody gets meaner, lonlier, and stupider the older u get. ur gonna be alone when its finally alll over, so why care?

  3. Don't know how old you are, if your born in 85 then your 23 and thats not old...

    But I guarantee you people are NOT worth your faith, but they are worth your time and friendship. Because most everyone feels the same way you do. So many of us are just looking for a REAL friend. But its best not to rely on other people to much it brings disappointment.

    The older I get the weirder people get.. thats a fact. But we all need love and attention..

  4. Yes.  Yes.

    Edit: read this

    The Meditations, By Marcus Aurelius, Written 167 A.C.E.

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