
Getting on birth control!!?

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After having many pregnancy scares i think i need to get on birth control........but it worries me. Will it throw off my periods? Will it mess with my hormones? And what if i ever wanted to get off of it what would happen? So can somebody tell me everything there is to know about birth control? thanks




  1. 4 periods a year? Never heard of a Birth control like that.? i have been taking the pill for 10 years now. I take Ortho- Tri Cyclen low. Hardly any side effects. By b***s got a little bigger. (nothing wrong with that) i get my period every month. My period last 2 or 3 days and it is very light. I no longer have any cramps like I did not on the pill. I know the exact day it will come which is great for planning things around it. it has cleared my Acne  completely! (which is great)

    You don't have to tell your parents. Go to a planned Parent Hood. (they also give you free condoms) Here is there website..(there is a locater on the top)

    Here is the information about Ortho tri cyclen low as well

    You are very wise to go on the pill. Sometimes it takes a few scares. I know I have been there as you.

  2. BC usually helps control your period.. sometimes certain pills can decrease your s*x drive it is trial and error. If you ever want to stop the pill there aren't any issues and your body will go back to normal.  Sometimes with pills you may have some break through bleeding when you first start them .

    Try reading this

  3. There are different types of birth control. There's the pill, the patch, vaginal ring, an IUD, the sponge, the shot. You can go to a planned parenthood and it's completely confidential. You can look at the different birth control methods on their website :

    Some of them regulate your period, others make you have less periods and the shot makes your period stop. I suggest you look at each method and decide which is best for you.  Hope i helped.

    I take the birth control shot. It's every 3 months. And i like not having a period. The only bad part is that you have to take calcium/vitamin D pills because it affects your calicum intake. But I like it.

  4. dont listen to gymnastics pro . only one pill makes your period 4 times a year its called seasonique i would suggest yaz though it doesnt usually throw off ur period but it might, it actually regulated my sisters period but you might get a little fatter but if u want the pill that bad then talk to your doctor

  5. Birth control actually regulates girls periods, I'm not sexually active, but I'm on birth control to regulate my period. Now I get it every month.

    It regulates your hormones too. Nothing bad will happen, you won't be moody or anything.

    Nothing would happen when you wanted to get off of it.

    You just need to take it/ use it as often as you are supposed to. And know that it doesn't work after the first pill. Some take one month and some two, so be careful before you know it works.

    There are birth control pills that make you have 4 periods a year, but that is definatly not every. If that is what you want, I don't think that is very healthy, you have to do research. If not, just go to your Planparenthood and ask for birth control, they will examine you and find out which type is right for you.

  6. Not all of them, some make you have a normal monthly period. Your periods should be more regular. If you are worried about your parents why not tell them you have heavy, uncomfortable periods and want to go on the pill for that reason? Go into the doctors by yourself and you can discuss your options with them.

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